Indiana JonesRaiders of the Lost Ark was released a couple of weeks before my 8th birthday and I saw it for the first time that summer. I seem to recall it was at a drive-in theater double-feature with my dad and little sister, but I could be wrong about that. Regardless, I was immediately enthralled. The hat! The bullwhip! I have probably thought about Indiana Jones at least once each day every day for the last forty-plus years.

I really, really hated Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and was prepared to be equally disappointed by Dial of Destiny. But I was pleasantly surprised — overjoyed, really — by how much I loved it. I thought it was brilliant.

I have been working on a half-dozen projects lately that have all been consuming a tremendous amount of brainpower. I needed to take a break for a few minutes, so I started scrolling through all the open Safari tabs on my iPhone and decided to publish the open Indy links I’ve had on there for several years: