Posts in the category “blogtech”
This category contains all my posts about blogging technology — plug-ins, themes, design, etc.
Movable Type Modifications
Two Tricks from the MT Support Forum: How to Randomly Generate Entries How to Create a Printer-Friendly Template Of course if you are using CSS to its fullest, you can create printer-friendly pages by simply changing stylesheets. There is a tutorial at Evolt that explains how.
MovableType Tips
[The girlie matters] has a cool collection of MovableType tips and tricks. Sadly, she is another blogger that for some reason doesn’t ping when she updates. I wish *everyone* with a blog would ping … it would make using blogTracker so much simpler …
How to Create a Pop-Up eMail This Entry Window in MovableType
Several people have asked me how I did it, so I wrote a tutorial on how to create a pop-up ‘eMail This Entry’ window in MovableType. PLEASE NOTE This tutorial is based on MovableType Version 2.1 only. If you have upgraded to Version 2.2 I advise you to wait until I have had a chance
Bloglet – Notify System
Wow! Bloglet looks cool as heck. It allows readers to subscribe to your blog as an eMail service. At the end of each day, it will eMail subscribers all of your posts (or excerpts!) from that day. Currently it only works with Blogger, but I am hoping that Ben and Mena will add support to
MT Fix
Here is the fix for the MovableType “unitialized value at lib/MT/App/ line 999” error. And here’s a special link from Microsoft that should be very useful to many people.
Webgraphics rocks. The tagline is, “a daily compilation of hypertext design resources, links, commentary and notes.” This is one of those sites that I’m going to have to read top-to-bottom; it’s full of great information and design tricks.
Cyber-Gish – not to be confused with Normal-Jish – has created a Forum for discussing blogging shtuff. You might want to pop over there and say hi.
HTML Reference
The HTML 4.0 Entities™ reference page is very handy. You† can® do° all¶ kindsº of£ nifty€ thingsŸ withÖ it¿.
Send Entry
I just read on the MovableType site that Ben and Mena are getting ready to release MT version 2.0, and it will include a ‘send this entry’ feature similar to the one I’ve implemented on my blogs. So … since they are the experts, I’m not going to do any more development or write a
JavaScript Tutorial
Several people have asked me how to add random text strings to a web page, so I thought I’d write a little tutorial. All you need is a text editor and a web site. If you publish your own blog, I’m sure you’ll be able to do this. If you follow these simple instructions, you