Posts in the category “blogtech”
This category contains all my posts about blogging technology — plug-ins, themes, design, etc.
When I want to register a domain name, I go to It might cost a few dollars more – and I’m talkin’ like, $2 more – than some of the bargain basement registrars, but you cannot beat their customer service, administration, and control panel options. I’ve used them for years and highly recommend their
<Montgomery Burns> Excellent! </Montgomery Burns> I’m about 75% done with my mt-sendentry.cgi development. Youshik has been a tremendous help with some of the trickier Perl bits and Ben is the man for being so cool about answering my eMails. I really hope I can finish working on it tonight so I can have v 0.1
Rebuild Hack
It was a dark and stormy night. I had a rebuild error in my individual archive template. I yelled at my monitor, “What could it be?!” I hadn’t modified that template in weeks! Something was wrong. And it was bad. I couldn’t rebuild all. Ack! What to do? I begged Ben for assistance. “Help!” I
MT fix
Note to self: Remember to change MT/lib/ line 205 from return $mt->error(“Building entry failed: ” . $entry->title); to return $mt->error(“Building entry failed: ” . $tmpl->errstr); More on this later!
This article, Setting Up Form Mail, was a tremendous help in my latest project. Soon you will be able to send any MT entry via eMail. How cool is that? Check out my Hemingway blog! Each individual post has this feature in place. w00t! I am an excited nerd now!
I just downloaded and installed the MicroPoll system from technoerotica. I think it’s a killer, tiny, perfect-for-blogs polling script. Do you agree?
Want to add one of those groovy-cool calendars to your blog? MovableType 1.4 lets you! The extended text of this entry shows you the code. How cool is that?
Appendix B
Is it true? Yes! It’s the return of the Featurette Guide! The expanded, revised, and updated Blogger Featurette Guide™©! Check out all the groovy-cool things your fellow bloggers have done over the years.
I don’t have time right now to really browse the page, but it looks interesting. There is an ad for something called WebCrimson that is apparently another CMS. Man, I really need to sit down and go through some of this stuff. Time … Time … Time …
Here is my MovableType development wishlist. These are the features I really wish my favorite content management system had. Alternately, these are the things I really wish I could do with MovableType, which the current version does in fact support, but I haven’t yet found a way to do. If someone knows how to do