Posts in the category “Hemingway”
Hemingway Feedback
Here is a collection of some of the nice things people have said about my Hemingway site:
Misrepresentation as Explanation
from 10/02/95, for AML 3124
Hemingway Search
Every single week I am flabbergasted by the number of people who go to my entire web site dedicated to Ernest Hemingway and do a search for hemingway. Good grief, people! It’s a Hemingway web site! Every damn page mentions his name 50 times! The only thing that is worse is when people search for
Search Engine Statistics
I posted the search engine statistics for my Hemingway page. It drives me nuts when people double the letter m in the middle of his name. Something I can’t understand is why people search on the word “Hemingway” on what is very clearly an Ernest Hemingway web site. The search must return every single page
You may know, if you’ve ever let your eyes wander all the way to the upper left-hand corner of this page, that I run a pretty nifty Hemingway site. The site gets something like 800 hits daily. I’m sure a bunch of those are spiders and search thingies and who-knows-what else. But I know that