Posts in the category “music”
This category contains all posts about songs, bands, and music in general.
Got Any Grapes?
A duck walked up to a lemonade stand…
#FridayFive: Baby Einstein
The best videos to calm a crying baby
#FridayFive: All These Things That I’ve Done
My favorite tracks by The Killers
Radio Dismuke
Vintage popular recordings from the 1920s and 1930s
In Order Categorical
I am the very model of a modern major-general.
All Around the World or the Myth of Fingerprints
In which I (hopefully) return to running regularly
Lost Your iTunes Music? You Can Get It Back.
How to recover lost iTunes tracks
Beethoven’s “Moonlight” Sonata was published on this date in 1802. Its real name is the slightly less evocative “Piano Sonata No. 14 in C Sharp Minor, Opus 27, No. 2,” and its Italian subtitle is translated as “almost a fantasy.” In 1832, five years after Beethoven’s death, a German critic compared the sonata to the effect of moonlight shining on Lake Lucerne, and the interpretation became so popular that, by the end of the century, the piece was universally known as the “Moonlight Sonata.” Beethoven himself had attributed the emotion of the piece to sitting at the bedside of a friend who had suffered an untimely death.
The Writer’s Almanac
#FridayFive: “Love” Songs
View the Friday Five from February 13th, 2015
#FridayFive: Pearl Jam Albums
View the Friday Five from January 23rd, 2015