Posts in the category “music”
This category contains all posts about songs, bands, and music in general.
On Pearl Jam
There’s a very well-written review of the entire history of Pearl Jam on Grantland right now. In case you’re living under a rock, I’ll tell you that a new PJ album was released last week. (Yes, that’s why you’re hearing classic Pearl Jam tracks between every inning break during the World Series and why they
#FridayFive: Commander Cody & His Lost Planet Airmen
View the Friday Five from October 18th, 2013
MeFi Swap
Notes on a mix CD
One of my favorite memories of my mom — of my entire childhood, actually — is singing Runaway by Del Shannon in the car with her and my little sister while driving to St. Paul’s Catholic elementary school. I love that song. She loved that song. She loved singing that song. Mom loved music. And
#FridayFive: Springsteen Albums
View the Friday Five from July 5th, 2013
Scott Farcas Takes It on the Chin
I should note two things here: (a) It wasn’t until I was in my late 30s that I first saw A Christmas Story, so I had no idea who Scott Farcas was for a long, long time and (2) It’s hard to imagine that the Less Than Jake song Scott Farcas Takes It on the
#FridayFive: Simon and Garfunkel Songs
View the Friday Five from June 14th, 2013
The Horizon Is a Beltway
On losing my mother
Before You Came into My Life
Notes on the reliability of the original Nike Fuel Band