Posts in the category “rants”
I have been watching college football all day and seen approximately 638,915 GOP ads viciously bashing Dems on ESPN, Fox, ABC, etc. and exactly zero ads for Dems period.
I seriously dislike when the NYT crossword gets cute with things. Hard clues I love. Making it so you can’t solve the puzzle without breaking the rules of crossword puzzles is just annoying.
It’s effectively impossible to manage uploaded photos on Amazon Alexa devices using the iOS app because if you’ve uploaded more than about 120 photos, the screen refreshes back to the top any time you scroll down more than a few pages.
I’ve reported this twice now to the Alexa team and gotten no response. I even explained why it was happening and how to fix it! (I had to deal with the same issue with my bartender app.)
My favorite part of Monday Night Football is learning about all the new prescription cancer medications.
Yet another NFL season begins with a terrible implementation of the on-screen possession indicator. Who at NBC thought a half-circle around their logo would be cute?
Health Insurance Fun
Healthcare in America Is Broken
The only people who don’t think the entire health insurance system in these United States is irreparably, tragically, insultingly broken are the incredibly healthy and the absurdly wealthy.
Everyone else is screwed, and we know it. And yet nothing changes because the incredibly wealthy make the rules.
Four legs good, two legs better.
What bothers me the most about the recent cyber-hack of the Anthem BlueCross system is not that a company that large and that profitable — one tasked with the care of the most personal data of millions of Americans — did not have adequate security in place to prevent such a thing from happening. That’s
Los Angeles Monorail
Why can’t we have nice things?