Posts in the category “technology”
The Ultimate Guide to Local WordPress Development on a Mac
In which I explain how I roll my code
If you don’t backup your computer regularly, you are asking for a disaster.
Lost Your iTunes Music? You Can Get It Back.
How to recover lost iTunes tracks
Life in Space
An exploration of life aboard the International Space Station, and the surprising reasons the mission is still worthwhile
Two Months with an iPhone 6
In which I detail all the problems I’ve had with the iPhone 6
Rise – The Sunrise / Sunset Calendar
I prefer to run first thing in the morning.* I like being up and at ’em before the rest of the world and I know that if I wait until the end of the day I’ll find some excuse to be lazy instead. Right now I’m living in an area without adequate street lighting, and
#FridayFive: Favorite iPhone Games
View the Friday Five from September 26th, 2014