Posts tagged “Apple”

Bongo la, bongo cha cha cha

Bongo la, bongo cha cha cha

In which I explain the lengths to which I’ll go to preserve the integrity of my 30+ years of mp3 metadata

  • This LA Times interactive map of the Southern California wildfires has been very handy. – via
  • “Just a reminder that the French revolution started with a climate crisis-induced famine, an empire that had overexpanded into too many foreign wars, and parasitic nobility that funneled all the wealth upward while regular citizens suffered.” – via @chris.writes.books
  • Office SpaceIf you want to “follow” me somewhere (other than here, of course), you should use my verified account on bluesky. I adored Twitter when it launched, and for many years after. But I haven’t looked at that social network in months and deleted my account a while ago. I’ve been enjoying Threads, but it looks like it’s time to abandon that platform, too. I’m very, very glad I have my own personal website. (I hardly ever look at Instagram, and doubt I’ll keep my account there for much longer. If I didn’t feel obligated to remain on LinkedIn, I’d quit that site, too.)
  • In China, there are registries of haunted apartments. If you’re willing to live somewhere with a sinister history, you can get a discount of 30%. – via @tomwhitwell
  • I am starting to get concerned about the bird flu, H5N1. Paying attention to updates from Your Local Epidemiologist is a good way to be prepared.
  • A wilderness survival trainer spent years undercover, climbing the ranks of right-wing militias. He didn’t tell police or the FBI. He didn’t tell his family or friends. Then, in 2023, a ProPublica reporter received an envelope with no return address. Inside was a flash drive containing tens of thousands of secret files. – via @propublica
  • “In species where males invest in weaponry (antlers, horns, tusks, etc.), female brains are bigger.” – via Kent Hendricks
  • If you have any Apple devices – a MacBook, an iPhone, etc. – I strongly urge you to subscribe to the Simple Apple Tutorials newsletter published by Gannon Nordberg. Every two weeks, you’ll get one actionable lesson on how to use your Apple tech to be more organized, productive, and stress-free from a former Apple Certified Consultant and Mac Technician of seven years. His latest one, explaining the fastest way to protect all your Mac’s photos and documents, is superb and nearly identical to what I have been telling friends and family forever.
  • Short-sightedness is on the rise – including among kids. Here’s what can be done. – via Links You‘ll Love
  • elephantsProboscis was one of my mom’s favorite words. Funny the little details you remember sometimes. Mostly because of her, a profound childhood infatuation with Mr. Snuffleupagus, and my maternal grandparents’ shared love of small carved figurines of them, I have always been interested in elephants. If you are also fascinated by regal creatures with prehensile noses, you might enjoy this incredible Royal Society Open Science deep dive into how elephants develop trunk wrinkles through both form and function. – via Curious About Everything
  • If You Think You Can Hold a Grudge, Consider the Crow: “Renowned for their intelligence, crows can mimic human speech, use tools, and gather for what seem to be funeral rites when [one of them] dies or is killed. They also tenaciously hold grudges. When a murder of crows singles out a person as dangerous, its wrath can be alarming, and can be passed along beyond an individual crow’s life span of up to a dozen or so years, creating multigenerational grudges.” – via kottke
  • Stop killing yourself over that project for five minutes and read the divine discontent, an essay by Celine Nguyen on the pursuit of unhappiness: “The most fulfilled people I know tend to have two traits. They’re insatiably curious—about new ideas, experiences, information and people. And they seem to exist in a state of perpetual, self-inflicted unhappiness.” – via personal canon
  • A recent study suggests mindfulness isn’t just for mental health. It can support healthier body composition, less body fat, and better weight management. – via Arnold’s Pump Club
  • Since the start of 2022, in the regular season Penn State is 0-5 versus Michigan and Ohio State, 27-0 versus all other schools. – via TMQ

I miss being able to drag and drop to organize my iOS screen layout(s) on my laptop. I also wish Sonoma (14.2.1) would do a better job recognizing when my iPhone (17.2.1) is on the same WiFi network as my machine. I have lost count of the number of times a synchronization has failed because my iPhone “can’t be found” even when it’s sitting six inches from my MacBook Air and they are both definitely on the same network. And it’s enough to make me scream when this happens even when it’s literally connected to my laptop with a USB-C cable.

What Is This? is the personal weblog of me, David Vincent Gagne. I've been publishing here since 1999, which makes this one of the oldest continuously-updated websites on the Internet.

A few years ago I was trying to determine what cocktails I could make with the alcohol I had at home. I searched the App Store but couldn't find an app that would let me do that, so I built one.


You can read dozens of essays and articles and find hundreds of links to other sites with stories and information about Ernest Hemingway in The Hemingway Collection.