Posts tagged “beer”
A Few Good Reasons for Drinking
I’ve a few good reasons for drinking And one just entered my head If a man can’t drink when he’s living How the hell can he drink when he’s dead? – seen on a t-shirt for McSwiggin’s Pub, “where there are no strangers, only friends yet to meet”
lust for beer
A strange thing happened on my way to the west coast. At some point along the way I seem to have misplaced my lust for beer. I’m not frantically searching for it or anything. Usually I barely even notice that it’s missing. But. I can’t help but wonder where it went.
Beer Fights Kidney Stones
In a battle like that, I’ll root for beer every time. Keep up the good fight, Dan.
Assorted Links
A random collection of interesting links
What do my visitors like to drink?
Beer Solves Problems
haHA! On the cover of this month’s issue of Men’s Health: FIX EVERY PROBLEM WITH BEER
When I went to LA in June of ’99, Jorge and I bought a few 20-packs of Budweiser longnecks. I was surprised to see the 20-pack boxes out there. I had never seen them anywhere outside of New England. They are pretty economical; a 20-pack is around $12 while a 12-pack is $8.50. The case
Okay: What freak-o brought Heineken to the party Saturday night? There’s one sitting in the bottom of the fridge …