Today is the birthday of T.S. Eliot, born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1888. At the age of 27, he wrote “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” (1915), and at 34, wrote “The Waste Land” (1922). At the height of his career, when he was writing poetry, plays, and literary criticism, and serving as director of the British publisher Faber & Faber, he was the 20th century’s single most influential writer. He was dry and enigmatic, and he spoke very, very slowly. Yet, he loved the Marx Brothers and was said to harbor a weakness for squirting buttonholes and exploding cigars. Somebody once said to Eliot that most editors are failed writers. Eliot said: “Yes. So are most writers.”
via The Writer’s Almanac
Posts tagged “birthdays”
Twenty-five Years of Blogging
Happy birthday to this website!
Once upon a midnight dreary
Happy birthday, Edgar Allan Poe!
Twenty-four Years
I have been doing this for a long time.
Happy Birthday!
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Would You Eat Them in a Boat?
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Vincent Albanese (1918 – 1986)
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Birthday Photo
This is what I looked like forty-three years ago.
Happy Birthday!
My Blog Can Vote!
Happy Birthday, Teddy
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