Posts tagged “birthdays”
Samuel Johnson
A few excellent Samuel Johnson quotes
Happy Birthday, Jenny!
My little sister is 42!
Sexy + Seventeen
On the anniversary of my first blog post
In Order Categorical
I am the very model of a modern major-general.
Sweet Sixteen
And just like that: It’s been sixteen years since I started blogging on this site. It seems like only yesterday that I wrote a post celebrating my fifteenth year, and the spaces between the years get smaller every day.
Anna Albanese – 1920!
On the anniversary of my maternal grandmother’s birthday
Nike Gator Free Trainer 5.0
Earlier this month I read about the release of a new Gator-themed Nike sneaker on the Alligator Army website. (Follow them on Twitter @AlligatorArmy.) I jokingly tweeted a link to the story and wrote something about wanting someone to buy me a pair. Last week a pair appeared on my doorstep, direct from Nike HQ
The future is always closer than you think.
Happy Birthday, Jenny!
On my little sister turning forty
I miss playing word games with my mom.