Posts tagged “CDs”
5-Disc CD changer
In the CD player right now: Tom Petty, Wildflowers Alanis Morissette, MTV Unplugged Nirvana, bleach Foo Fighters, There Is Nothing Left to Lose Foo Fighters, The Colour and the Shape
CD Player List
In the CD player right now: Less Than Jake, Hello Rockview Foo Fighters, There Is Nothing Left to Lose Foo Fighters, The Colour and the Shape Red Hot Chili Peppers, Californication soundtrack, Go
Alphabetized CD Collection
In which I am robbed
In the CD Player
I updated my about page a little bit. I also removed the “noises” from my sidebar. I don’t think any of you really give a flying fcuk what’s in my CD player(s) right now. I change the CDs too often to keep the sidebar updated anyway. In case you’re wondering, though, right now I’m listening