Posts tagged “chocolate”
The Velocity Diet: I Like Chocolate Edition
I completed Phase I of the Velocity Diet with my fifth shake on Sunday night. (I’ll write my review of Week Four soon.) I guess the guys at T-Nation are pretty good with their calculations, because I had barely enough Metabolic Drive shake mix to last me exactly through Phase I. By Monday morning I
Post-Workout Power Shake
And now, for your fitness fix, here is the recipe for the mega-awesome shake I had after the gym tonight: 4 ice cubes 1 cup 2% milk 2 cups water 1 banana 1 4oz Häagen-Dazs Coffee Ice Cream 1 raw egg 2 scoops Cytosport Chocolate Muscle Milk Throw everything into a blender. Hit the ice-crusher
Oysters vs. Chocolate
This excellent experiment comparing oysters and chocolate in terms of sexual arousal comes via megnut. Meg writes a delicious “foodie” blog which is great fun and chock full of reviews and recipes for anyone that enjoys eating. In the blue corner, oysters, eight dozen of them. Hailing from Puget Sound by way of Wild Edibles
Bart’s Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies
If you are lucky enough to have a boutique grocery store in your area, see if they are selling chocolate chip cookies from Bart’s Bakery. They are, without a doubt, the world’s best.
Y’know … I’ve been thinking. Reese’s Miniatures are better than Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. The chocolate-to-peanut-like-substance ratio is better. I mean … don’t get me wrong: I love Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. I just like the miniature ones better.
Take the Condom Quiz! Whether it’s polyurethane, sheepskin or chocolate-flavored latex, if you don’t know the basics about your condom of choice you can’t be safe.
Krackel, Special Dark, and Mr. Goodbar
chocolate I hate when you’ve eaten all the Krackels and then all the Special Darks and then all the Hershey’s and all that you have left are Mr. Goodbars. Also, I want a cigarette.
The ACME Chocolate Registry
The ACME Chocolate Registry: For those of you that want everyone to be able to get you the chocolate you want. link via Weblog Wannabe
Scientific Research
A couple of interesting studies
chocolate treatments
The chocolate treatments attract the most attention, however. For $265, visitors can indulge in the three-hour Chocolate Escape — a Whipped Cocoa Bath, Cocoa Butter Scrub, Chocolate Fondue Wrap and a choice of massage or facial. link via BrainLog