My little sister is recording the event while mountain climbing somewhere in Oregon, so she asked me not to SMS her any information about the SEC Championship Game. Intentionally planning something of any importance — a mountain expedition, a wedding, bachelor party, childbirth, etc. — on a Saturday in the late Fall (or early Winter) is mind-boggling to me. My uncle — whose wife’s birthday is today, actually — got married on the day of the Super Bowl. (It was even worse that his favorite team was the AFC champion that year.) Priorities, people.
Posts tagged “college football”
It Never Rains in Tiger Stadium
This weekend I finished reading It Never Rains in Tiger Stadium by John Ed Bradley. The book is the memoir of an LSU football player who decided to become a writer, but it is so much more than that. Bradley writes about coming to terms with no longer being on the team and his decades-long
#FridayFive: Football Games I Attended
View the Friday Five from January 30th, 2009
Gators BCS Championship Gear
To celebrate the Florida Gators third BCS Championship, I headed to the fantastic site and purchased a 2006 / 2008 hat combo pack and a couple of t-shirts. I guess they still had a bunch of 2006 hats in stock and were trying to get rid of them; you really can’t beat $34.99 for
Stewart Mandel on Tim Tebow
In this week’s College Football Mailbag, Stewart Mandel addresses fans who complain of ‘Tebow Fatigue’. I did not see the Fox telecast of the game, but … unless those guys inferred Tebow literally does leap over tall buildings in a single bound, I’m guessing everything they said is absolutely true. I’ll admit it: I’m
I only managed 6.7 miles, today, and since I skipped my 5-miler on Wednesday, that means I’m a little bit under par for the year so far. But the Gators won their second BCS Championship tonight (in three years) so I’m cutting myself some slack. Go Gators!
2008 – 2009 iCal College Bowl Schedule
In which I explain how to create an iCal version of the college football bowl season schedule
On Vanderbilt
A football preview
The Chosen One
On Tebow
My Favorite Gator Cap
Looking for a cap