Tonight I plan on getting to bed before 11 pm. Sure, this is a bit unusual for me since I haven’t made it to sleep before 3 am in a few weeks. But tomorrow night is the Stone Temple Pilots concert at the Hard Rock Cafe in Orlando and I want to have plenty of energy for that!
Posts tagged “concerts”
Stone Temple Pilots
About half-way through the STP concert, Weiland said, “This next song … you might know it … it’s called Livin’ La Vida Loca … ” and the audience went nutso. The way he and the band were freak-nutting around the stage and going insane, it wouldn’t have surprised me at all. But instead they immediately
set list from Stone Temple Pilots concert
In which I log each song
The Foo Fighters / Red Hot Chili Peppers concert was excellent.
Less Than Jake Tour Dates