Posts tagged “css”
Parsing PHP in CSS
Dynamically process your css scripts
WordPress Mod: DropCaps
In which I explain how to create dropcaps
This is a test. from silverorange labs 2024-01-14: Any dead links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
Best dropdown menu I’ve seen yet …
3-Column Layout
Is there really such a thing as a tableless, CSS-based, liquid, three-column layout?!
CSS Reality
Cascading Style Sheets, Promise vs. Reality, and a Look to the Future By Mark Newhouse Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are a technology with a lot of promise, but their often-hyped potential leaves some designers feeling blindsided by the 2×4 known as reality. This article sorts out the differences, and makes a case for educating yourself
The Weblog Dictionary
I finally sat down and worked on The Weblog Dictionary. I added a few new words and updated some links and terms. It’s also now using the same CSS file as most of the rest of the site, and – because I’m that much of a square – it’s now valid XHTML1.0 Transitional, whatever that
Primes and Quotes
More good stuff from A List Apart: The Trouble With EM ‘n EN. My reading list ( and things to fix on my site) runneth over.