Posts tagged “css”
DOCTYPE Explained
Finally! The latest issue of A List Apart includes a lesson on Fixing Your Site With the Right DOCTYPE. This is terrific and I’m going to fix my pages as soon as I can. ALA saves the day (again!).
Movable Type Modifications
Two Tricks from the MT Support Forum: How to Randomly Generate Entries How to Create a Printer-Friendly Template Of course if you are using CSS to its fullest, you can create printer-friendly pages by simply changing stylesheets. There is a tutorial at Evolt that explains how.
High-Pass Filter
Write better web pages, free design from content, and resolve CSS browser-compatibility issues with Tantek’s High Pass Filter!
Menu Rollovers in CSS
Brian Costner has compiled the best guide to designing menus using CSS Rollovers that exists to date. Check there for everything you need to know about creating a cross-browser-compliant css rollover menu.
Source Viewer
A quick source viewer bookmarklet
Shunting NN4
Teambilly shows you how to send Netscape 4.x users to an alternate page. This is terrific. He even has a nice little message that explains to them what dorks they are.
Box Punching
How does one punch out the corner of an element and put something in the space created?
Pattern Matching
Excellent! I’ve finally found a simple explanation of selector pattern matching – all the > + and * you sometimes see in css – at So many things make so much more sense now …
Follow Me Here …
Eliot at Follow Me Here … gave me kudos for helping him reformat his Blogger templates and css so that they would validate. I’m not really *that* altruistic. He was using a table-based design and because of the many images in his sidebar it took forever for me to load his page on my slow