- Here’s some excellent advice from Mike Rowe, of Dirty Jobs fame: “Don’t be that guy. Don’t wait for the world to acknowledge your accomplishments.” (He’ll also help you find a job.)
- For @andybabb: A Hierarchy of Digital Distractions
- Where can I fly for how much?
- Twirdie is Twitter golf!
The Earth is just amazing. (I had no idea the Titanic was that deep.)
- Porn surfers are likely to have out-of-date software that can be exploited, making those users an attractive target for cybecriminals.
- Sexual Congress
- How to keep someone with you forever — employee or lover.
- The Spill, The Scandal and the President is the inside story of how Obama failed to crack down on the corruption of the Bush years … and let the world’s most dangerous oil company get away with murder. (Does anyone else ever wonder why the hardest hitting investigative journalism in America is consistently done by a rock ‘n roll magazine?)
Posts tagged “dailydavid”
2024-06-28: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
- The fictional high school chorus at the center of Glee has a huge problem: nearly a million dollars in potential legal liability.
- What were we thinking about when we had all that extra time?
- Who wants to see the ruins of modern Greece?
- Glasses are the ultimate image changer. (via jim)
- Authentic, game-used baseball cufflinks are just one of the many classy gifts for guys that can be found at the Gent Supply Co.
- I need to start slowly making my way through the 101 best sandwiches in Los Angeles. Very slowly.
- Lovely phrases and beautiful definitions can be found in the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows.
- I’ve never really been a big Trek fan, but this list of the fifteen cruelest deaths in Star Trek history is pretty sweet.
- WTF is HTML5 and why should we all care?
- You really should follow me on Twitter. That’s the quickest way to learn about awesome sites like youarenotsosmart.com.
2024-06-29: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
- Starbucks To Begin Sinister ‘Phase Two’ Of Operation
- Is Schizophrenics Anonymous legitimate or some sort of sick joke?
- “You think I’m stupid. You think I’m immature. You think I’m a malformed, pathetic excuse for a font.”
- This week’s must-have hat is The Infidel.
- In prison Bernie Madoff doesn’t have to hide his lack of conscience.
- The Smithsonian has released a list of the ten most disturbing scientific discoveries. I only think that three of them are very disturbing. (The other seven are just kind of “meh”.)
- If you’re going to brew your own beer, you might as well have a nice label.
- The Button is probably the dumbest iPhone app ever.
- Greg Knauss knows what to do about the Gulf.
- Housewife Charged In Sex-For-Security Scam
- News flash for lottery winners: Money can’t buy happiness. (Note: I am already happy, so winning the lottery would not ruin my life. Also, I’m not a moron.)
- Are you as excited about the new iPhone as I am? (It’s not my fault that Steve keeps releasing them so close to my birthday!)
2024-07-08: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
How does a bill become a law? A lovely infographic from Mike Wirth Art is a swell way to learn the answer… but nothing beats the original (YouTube).
- Make your hidden self a little bit cooler with better Facebook default profile images.
- “These are their stories.” RIP L&O.
- “You know the best way to get the public to respect your brand? Have a respectable brand.” — from an interview with Leroy Stick, the man behind @bpglobalpr
- On June 5, 1910 there were only nine mothers of U.S. Senators still alive.
- Book owners have smarter kids.
- Are you an Asker or a Guesser? (I honestly don’t know which one I am.)
- This is the sort of stuff I love: Battleship Island & Other Ruined Urban High-Density Sites. I need the History or Discovery Channel to do a special on this!
- Derek thinks he’s finally figured out why everything sucks. And it’s actually kind of awesome.
- @sbnation presents an explanation of the recent and confusing NCAA conference realignments.
2024-01-21: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
- Team owners Frank and Jamie McCourt paid a Russian physicist at least six figures — for five years! — to transmit positive energy to the Dodgers from his home in the Boston suburbs.
These LEGO recreations of iconic photographs are pretty cool.
- Some friendly Mormons have posted an exhaustive guide to overcoming masturbation.
- Everyone knows that Jack sits right on the court. But who are all the other purple and gold fanatics? Someone has investigated and detailed the entire (updated) arrangement of Lakers courtside seating.
- Die-hard college sports fans will likely enjoy following The Bylaw Blog: The Unofficial Blog of NCAA Compliance. (RSS feed)
- I’m fairly confident that the NCAA and / or the NFL will not be happy about broncogator.com.
- California has — of course — the coolest proposed license plate redesign.
- Beyond Apu — Why are there suddenly so many Indians on television?
- Want to save the Gulf of Mexico? Learn how to boom properly.
- The leading web property for yuletide holiday determination is now on your mobile phone. Never be at a loss again. Get the Is It Christmas? iPhone app!
- I got 99 problems but breathing ain’t one.
- It is a little-known fact that you can perform (almost) every pop song ever recorded using just four chords.
- A real-life Batman: This blind man “sees” using echolocation.
- It would be pretty rad to ride an elephant to work where your pet orangutan plays with his dog.
- New Scientist details the eight most amazing commutes in the animal kingdom. (Did you know that the Pacific leatherback turtle swims from Indonesia to Oregon and back every year?)
- You would think that a prosthetic leg with a Willie Nelson sticker would be hard to miss, or at the very least hard to forget about and leave behind.
- The shortest possible game of Monopoly requires only four turns, nine rolls of the dice, and twenty-one seconds.
- Fuck Yeah Cats! is cute. But FUCK YEAH SHARKS is cool.
- “The economic slave never realizes he is kept in a cage going round and round basically nowhere with millions of others,” said the totalitarian Buddhist who beat SimCity3000.
- I have got to agree that putting an awesome costume on your observatory is the greatest astronomy-related college prank ever.
- Web developers should always be mindful of the commander’s intent.
- It looks like the AT&T tethering plan for the new iPhone is going to suck and be absurdly expensive. I’m shocked. Shocked.
- And, finally, I love this quote from an article about the murder of porn actor Tom Dong: “That’s why I have a gun in my office. Weird things happen all the time. We’re in the Valley.”
2024-07-12: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
- If you like our football team, you’ll love our chem labs full of Asian students!
- People sometimes ask me why I never wanted to be a bullfighter. It’s simple, really. I tremendously dislike getting gored through the throat with a horn.
- I am ashamed to admit that I knew only four of these 10 Facts Every Westerner Should Know about the Middle East.
- Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water: Invisible Sharks!
- Dedicated games should review this handy guide to Pac-Man ghosts.
- @BPGlobalPR is some seriously black humor.
2024-07-12: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
- There are many, many good reasons why First Citywide should be your change bank, and Old Glory should be your insurance company. (These are two of the best commercials ever.)
- Not many people are going to get this one, but… “Be Like Han” is damn great advice.
The moodINQ Programmable Tattoo System is simply mind-blowing. Getting a “sub-dermal” implant seems a little extreme, but it might be worth it to occasionally rock my favorite tattoo.
- Twitter vs. The Pony Express
- A guy got mugged in Australia… right in front of a Ninja school.
- In Finland there are 5.2 million people and nearly two million saunas. That’s why the Sauna World Championship is a nationally televised event.
- Lane Kiffin is Supercoach!
- The Bullies of the 80s were quite cruel.
- Should we impose term limits on Supreme Court justices? Consider: “When the Framers wrote the Constitution, life expectancy was less than 40 years; today, life expectancy is 77 years.”
2024-07-24: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
- Literary Tattoos
The Periodic Table Of Super-Powers
- Dale Peterson is not screwing around. (He’s got my vote.)
- If you like The Big Picture, you’ll love The Big Caption.
- Apple, Inc. v. Apple Corps: Why The Beatles Are Not in the iTunes Store
- Never Punt with Tebow: A Mathematical Analysis of 4th Down
- The fastest man in college football is University of Florida running back Jeff Demps, who helped the Gators win the SEC outdoor track championships by running the 100m dash in 10.06 seconds. (That’s just a half-second “slower” than world record holder Usain Bolt.)
2024-07-25: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.