- Better Marriage Blanket: Contains the same type of fabric used by the military to protect against chemical weapons!
- I’ve been using Twitter since April 23, 2007. How about you?
- I’m not 100% sure, but I think the premise of this article is that superheroes seem to be getting less super, and that’s bad. If that’s what he’s saying, I agree. If that’s not what he’s saying, then I don’t get it.
- It’s been almost fifteen years and the Ike Hilliard Stop and Pop is still one of the most amazing plays I’ve ever seen.
- Nimoy Sunset Pie is a lot like Selleck Waterfall Sandwich.
- How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Internet, by Douglas Adams
- “The Township will feature an ensemble cast, including actors Wendell Pierce and Dominic West from The Wire as a pair of successful, well-adjusted real estate agents who occasionally grab one quick drink after work before returning home to the families they love.”
- “When the worm was unleashed on the world in November 2008, cyber-security experts didn’t know what to make of it. It infiltrated millions of computers around the globe. It constantly checks in with its unknown creators. It uses an encryption code so sophisticated that only a very few people could have deployed it. For the first time ever, the cyber-security elites of the world have joined forces in a high-tech game of cops and robbers, trying to find [its] creators and defeat them. The cops are failing. And now the worm lies there, waiting …”
Posts tagged “dailydavid”
- Fun With Secret Questions & Answers
- CrabRevenge.com: “Yes we sell pubic lice and yes we are proud of it.”
- Life is beautiful.
- The Boston Globe has the best coverage (as usual) of an extraordinary event. This time The Big Picture details the oil spill.
- If you are in any way involved with building things on the web, you should read A Brief History of Markup.
- Looking for literary superheroes? Behold the awesome power of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne!
- Have you ever wondered if there is video of an enormously pregnant woman and her skinny friend doing a very disturbing dance to the theme song from Law & Order: SVU? You’re in luck!
- Bonus: The 50 Worst Video Game Names Ever
- Building an airplane looks like fun.
- When the biggest problem in personal technology is that the leading company is getting a little too exceptional, it’s a good problem to have.
- Mouth-to-snout resuscitation saves lives!
- The “happy” version of The Shining is still one of my all-time Internet favorites.
- The Best Bob Dylan Album Calculator
- One of the cool things about Tebow being drafted by the Broncos is that he’ll still be rockin’ the orange and blue.
- R.I.P. one of my heroes: Dick Giordano
- Bacon and Games is a new blog for video game developers. It’s full of great articles on how to make games better (and not only by adding bacon). See also: Bacon floss
- The Alot is better than you at everything.
- The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which “people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it”.
- It really bothers me when people argue that marijuana is a completely harmless drug. It’s not.
- “Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.” That’s usually the first thing I think when someone explains to me (yet another) brilliant idea for a website. My first question is always, and I mean always, “How are you going to make money?” Eyeballs don’t pay the bills.
- I suppose on some level it’s pretty cool that Microsoft has created a FixItCenter website that lets you troubleshoot and resolve problems with Windows. My opinion, though, is that it sure would be much better for their image if they’d simply sell a product that didn’t constantly require fixing.
- If you’re a gambler, check out the odds on Tebow.
- I can’t really imagine Tom Cruise in Footloose. But I guess I can see Johnny Depp as Ferris Bueller.
- The University of Florida Gators won yet another national title— in bass fishing.
- The Football FAQ should be required reading for just about everyone.
- UCLA crushed everyone to win a NCAA National Championship in Gymnastics at a competition held at the University of Florida O’Connell Center last Friday night.
- This year marks the first time since 1974 that the Patriots have had a draft with three players from the same school selected, as they’ve picked outside linebacker Jermaine Cunningham (second round, No. 53), inside linebacker Brandon Spikes (second round, No. 62) and tight end Aaron Hernandez (fourth round, No. 113) — all from the University of Florida. The NFL Draft is approaching the end of the fifth round and no team has more draftees than Florida’s nine.
- I have been a Patriots fan since at least ’83, but Thursday night, like Dan, I was instantly converted into a Broncos fan.
- Not many things are cooler than Johnny Depp reading a letter from Hunter S. Thompson.
- The Zodiac Killer! Grey goo! There are all sorts of creepy Wikipedia articles.
- The team @Flip has done it again. They are just killing in the video recorder market. Their new product — the Flip SlideHD — is incredible. It shoots 4 hours of HD video and has a touchscreen. (via The Awesomer)
- Phil Mickelson visited Krispy Kreme, wearing his spiffy new green jacket.
- The best Twitter exchange of the year has got to go to Aimee Mann and Ice T.
- I don’t subscribe to Scientific American, but I always grab it in airport bookstores. My favorite recurring feature is the one that details an interesting article from 50, 100, and 150 years ago. So it was with some pleasure that I discovered that the author of one of my favorite blogs, Ironic Sans, has recently started publishing Sunday Magazine. Every Friday he posts the most interesting articles from the New York Times Sunday Magazine from 100 years ago that weekend. Trés cool.
- The towel-folding robot is just more proof that I am going to get to meet C-3PO (or at least R2-D2) in my lifetime.
- Drop everything and go watch Teenage Zombies right now.
- The Green Day rock opera album American Idiot is now a Broadway show.
- After a grueling 58 hours of continuous play, John McAllister of Seattle, Washington officially became the best Asteroids player on the planet.
- I also spend a fair amount of my life trying to determine what went wrong, so I can appreciate a stroke of luck.
- Well this is pretty crazy: There are a bunch of functioning oil wells hidden around Los Angeles. The first one they feature is about two miles from my house; it’s covered by giant paintings of flowers right next to a high school football field. (I always thought it was some funky art project!)
- A few drinks and a little idle curiosity have led to the discovery of a hidden chapel under a family home.
- This is what I keep wondering about Dancing with the Stars: “Oh you mean world champions like Jerry Rice and Emmitt Smith and Ocho Cinco, who make millions because of their brilliant hand-eye coordination and ability to move in a rhythm with exact timing and precision? How will that translate to dancing?”
- It has a double penis, is as long as a tall human, and lives in a heavily populated area of the Philippines. Yet somehow the giant lizard Varanus bitatawa has gone undetected by science until now.
- I’ve been skeptical of solar power for a long time. There are simply too many cloudy days. (Not here in LA, but certainly in Florida.) But I’ve always been a fan of wind. [ed: I have since changed my stance! Solar power is awesome!]
- The reason why Apple is going to win — again — with the iPad, is because the overwhelming majority of people don’t care about Flash, software, files, directories, RAM, or whether their machine has a CD-ROM drive. They just want stuff that works.
- Potholes are a serious and dangerous road hazard in Los Angeles. Designers in Italy are promoting the idea of a brightly-colored second layer of asphalt which would turn roads into a sort of skin, so you can easily tell when there’s a pothole to avoid.
- It’s so very hard these days — but so very important — to remember that the email address on the other side of the screen is a real person, a lot like you.
- There is much to be learned from analyzing photos of Michael Bublé being stalked by a velociraptor. But you might have more fun looking at a few dozen movie posters recreated to feature Garry Shandling.
- There are only a few single English word domain names still available to register.
- Grab the Airplane and Go: True Tales from the Airplane Repossession Business
- The Los Angeles Department of City Planning audited itself and learned that it does a very poor job of planning.
- Looking for free WiFi access? There is, of course, an app for that.
- Great idea: Are You An Asshole? (.com)
- I really need to get my tickets for the 10th Annual Kickspit Underground Rock Festival!
- You’ve seen the Periodic Table of Candy and the Periodic Table of Booze, of course. There are lots of periodic tables of things on the ‘net. That’s why someone made a Periodic Table of Periodic Tables.
- It’s Literally, A Web Log: An English language grammar blog tracking abuse of the word “literally”.
- The big, unspoken problem with immortality is that eventually we’ll run out of room on the planet for any species that doesn’t die. Luckily (?) for us, there’s lots of room in the world’s oceans, because scientists have recently discovered a jellyfish that lives forever. I, for one, welcome our new jellyfish overlords.
- That’s What Bea Said!
- Avoid customer service prompts and long hold times with GetHuman.com. (And, of course, there’s an iPhone app for that.)
- The graphic Jish found depicting a Visual Explanation of Family Relationships is the first I’ve ever seen that made sense.
- If you live here, you already know this: Los Angeles is a lonely city.
- “If you believe what you read in scientific literature, you shouldn’t believe what you read in the scientific literature.” This is (probably) why everything you think we know might be wrong.
Behold! The Periodic Table of Science Fiction!
- Chris Coyier explains the genius of asking for the hard part first.
And if you care about football and the NFL Draft at all, ignore what all the pundits are predicting and make sure to read what Cold, Hard, Football Facts says in A Tale of Six Quarterbacks:
Tebow not only passed the ball far more effectively than any of these No. 1 overall picks (Peyton Manning, Tim Couch, Eli Manning, JaMarcus Russell, and Matt Stafford). It pays to remember that, in his spare time, he set the SEC career record for rushing touchdowns. Oh, and he won a Heisman Trophy and two National Titles. Other than that, he didn’t do much.
But Tebow didn’t just put up big stats … he put up supremely efficient stats. He was more accurate, and produced more big passing plays, and was more likely to put the ball in the end zone, and more likely to keep it out of the hands of opposing defenders, than any of the recent collection of No. 1 passing phenoms to come out of the SEC.