Everybody knows a random creepy guy. Try not to be that guy. (Or just watch out for photo bombs!)
- It would be extremely difficult to not include “cheerleader masseuse” on any list of the ten best jobs in football.
- The Killers have two great Christmas songs: A Great Big Sled and Don’t Shoot Me, Santa. (hat-tip: rogueplanet)
- Speaking of music: It is nearly inconceivable that next month marks the twentieth anniversary of the first Nirvana album, Bleach.
- By storing files outside of iPhoto’s database, you can stay in control and share with other programs.
- Using your iPhone as a boarding pass sounds like a pain in the ass.
Posts tagged “dailydavid”
If you thought you wouldn’t be able to make it one more day without seeing Christopher Walken performing Lady Gaga’s song “Poker Face”, I have some good news for you.
- I am completely addicted to Zynga’s Word Scramble2 iPhone game.
- Bank Notes is a collection of bank robbery notes. “Don’t put any exploding dye in the bag,” seems to be a popular theme.
- Here’s one for the 4:20 crowd: The Random Weed Name Generator is a free public service, providing the cannabis community with more than 45,000 unique hemp handles.
- The fact that it is, y’know, home to the Yankees is surprisingly not listed as one of the many, many reasons why the new Yankee Stadium sucks.
- The Bleacher Report has compiled a fascinating list of the Top 10 Reality Show Concepts for College Cheerleaders. They also have a (much less sexy) list of the 50 Greatest College Football Stadiums in the Country, but since Florida Field is ranked only second it’s safe to say that it’s blasphemous.
- Everyone is ready to hang Brandon Spikes for his alleged “eye-gouging” of a Georgia player in the middle of a pile-up. Why aren’t more people up in arms about this blatant cheap shot Nick Williams laid on Tebow? Please.
- SmartFootball has an excellent article concerning the biomechanics of a quarterback’s throwing motion.
- Chris has written a great tutorial / explanation regarding how to effectively use sprites in web development.
- Thesis, the best WordPress Theme, upgraded to version 1.6 last week. If you’re not using Thesis to manage your WordPress blog, you’re living in the dark ages.
- There is no letter O in the middle of the word recurring. It is not reoccurring. It’s recurring. Get it straight, people. See also: “How to pronounce the word height.”
Breaking News: The Wisconsin Tourism Federation (WTF) decided to change its name to the Tourism Federation of Wisconsin.
- Gisele who?
- So you think you can jump rope?
Ed. This link to blip.tv/file/1816913 no longer works. - Maxim’s list of 100 Twitter Accounts Every Guy Should Follow isn’t completely terrible.
- From the “I Could Have Told You That Department”: Flirting is good for your health.
- Tufts University: You may not engage in sexual activity while your roommate is present in the room.
- The woman who inspired the classic Beatles song Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds has died at the age of 46.
- Usain Bolt vs. ESPN employees, 100m (Spoiler? Bolt wins.)
- Dirpy is a website that allows you to convert YouTube videos to mp3.
- Wikipedia has a list of unrecovered black boxes.
- Who knew vacuum cleaners could make such lovely art?
- Snooth is a social networking site for wine lovers.
- Funny: How To Send Email
- I find it hard to believe that Sunset Blvd “hasn’t been repaved since LA County replaced the dirt road with concrete in the ’30s,” but I find it even harder to believe that we’re going to spend $7M to improve it. It’s just about the only road in Los Angeles that isn’t littered with potholes. I love cruising on Sunset right now, while almost any other road in the city is in deplorable condition.
- You must watch Mad Men: Boston.
- And it’s painful to watch, but some of the “creative” artists at my company mashed-up a French golfing tutorial video by someone else named David Gagné to mock me.
- Holy gullible women, Batman! Nine young ladies thought they were on a reality TV show, but were really being kidnapped, held against their will in a Turkish sex prison, and photographed. WTF?
- I can attest that the only valid measurement of code quality is the number of WTFs per minute you exclaim when reading someone else’s programming.
- Are there many things scarier or more disturbing than tongue-eating parasites? I didn’t think so. (via mefi, of course)
- Carrie Fisher apologizes well.
- Need some motivation? Check out the Badass of the Week.
- The sketches on Funny Or Die keep getting better. This week Zachary Quinto (Sylar from Heroes / Spock from the new Star Trek) appears as a convenience store robber who manages to get his life on track… sorta.
- Here’s the feel-good story of the day: A Portland couple — and their ’57 Chrysler — are still going strong after 50 years.
- Slate has published an interesting article on how the brain hard-wires us to love Google, Twitter, and texting, and why that’s dangerous.
- I work with a developer in India who frequently complains that Outlook does not display messages from me correctly. He insists that it’s because my mail program — Apple’s Mail.app — doesn’t compose messages properly. I insist that it’s because Outlook sucks. (See also: Windows crashes displays at new Cowboys stadium during Oklahoma / BYU game.)
- When is it not cool to see recently-declassified video of decades-old nuclear weapons tests?
- Make sure to read TMQ’s all-haiku 2009 NFL preview.
- Daring Fireball mentioned that he hasn’t actually ever seen a Palm Pre in the wild, which might explain why its sales numbers are well below their projections. A guy in my office has one. Every time I see it I wonder what would possess someone to get anything other than an iPhone.
- AT&T says MMS for iPhones will launch on 9/25. I really don’t see why everyone is freaking about this. I don’t really like MMS. It’s simple enough to email something from an iPhone; why not just do that? Everyone was freaking about copy and paste and I didn’t understand that either. Sure C&P is a great feature, but I’ve probably used it ten times in the last 3 months… Three years ago I had a BlackBerry Pearl and before that a RAZR and I was always thrilled just to be able to actually receive telephone calls on them. As far as I’m concerned the iPhone is the best American invention since… well… the iPod.
- I completely agree with Chris Coyier: It would be brilliant to invest in Red Box… if this was 1997.
- DirecTV NFL Mobile: The most expensive free app in the world
- It took forever, but there is finally an official Flickr app for the iPhone.
2024-02-07: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
- General Stuff
- Oh, boy … This should be fun: Michael Moore on Wall Street.
- Andy took a great shot of some of the smoke from the current SoCal fires while driving yesterday.
- Durex has run some pretty damn funny advertising campaigns.
- If you just got a Twitter account and want to learn more than the absolute basics, you should read this excellent and comprehensive Twitter tutorial.
- Crazy light graffiti!
- Apparently the 100W light bulb is now illegal in Europe. Wow.
- Sure, you could eat a five-pound gummy bear. But why?
- Love science fiction? Take a cool road trip and see all sorts of cool stuff. (I’m going to have to go look for Doc Browne’s house now …)
- Techie Stuff
- Microsoft just doesn’t seem to understand mobile phones.
- PHPThumb, an image manipulation library for coders, is freaking awesome.
- How to Make a Cool Social Media Box for Thesis
- An Easy Way To Get Your Twitter Followers Count Using PHP .. smells like a new WP Plugin to me …
- General Stuff
My dad has posted more gorgeous shots of New England to his Flickr feed.
- Nothing is over until we decide it is!
- Suck it, Michael. The Beatles are one notch above the King of Pop for most-viewed Wikipedia article.
- How the hell does a car’s differential work? I never understood it… and then I watched this General Motors 1930s tutorial which explains it wonderfully. (link via Kottke)
- “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” – MLK, Jr.
- Dooce is still writing the best stuff on the Internet. Seriously. If you haven’t yet read everything she’s ever written, take a few months off work and go do that right now. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll wonder why she doesn’t have her own television show.
- What did you think you were going to find at hiddenpassageway.com?
- What’s the business benefit of free bread at restaurants? (AskMeFi is just awesome, although some of the questions people ask can be quite depressing.)
- My wife is sure to be thrilled to see LA Weekly’s list of 99 Essential L.A. Restaurants.
- Yes, you could build your house with LEGO blocks. But why?
- Pizza Hut Fails Basic Grammar, another excellent post from the witty One Step Forward
- Techie Stuff
- Check out these cool grunge peeling sticker social media icons.
- Ten ways to stop spam in WordPress covers the basics and includes a few new tricks I didn’t know.
- Make your Mac prettier with a glossy dock.
- General Stuff
- If you’re taking any medicine for any reason at all, you should read this article.
- Abusive relationships like this one just suck.
- Perspective
- Wired has a great article all about craigslist, if you like that site.
- Whole Foods has crazy expensive groceries, but terrific thoughts on healthcare reform.
- I had no idea that the word avocado comes from the Nahuatl word ãhuacatl (“testicle”), a reference to the shape of the fruit.
- Think that we’re not living in the future yet? Read The bright side of sitting in traffic: Crowdsourcing road congestion data from Google. Or take a look at how you could use your iPhone as a restaurant HUD. And start saving up for that jetpack.
- Here’s your cute kitten fix for the day.
- You can convey quite a bit with just three frames. (The ones from Jaws, The Goonies, and Jurassic Park are my favorites.)
- Gator Stuff
- Bill Belichick presents a stone face to the world, but succeeds in part because he is open to change. For the past two years, the Patriots have run an offense that is all but identical to Urban Meyer‘s Florida spread.
- Stopping Tim Tebow isn’t easy, but it is possible.
- Kirk Herbstreit on Tebow
- Boom! – must-watch YouTube vid of big Gator hits
- “Tim Tebow’s proficiency as a passer and rusher have placed him among the all-time greats after only two seasons as a starter,” according to statistical analysis done by Sports Illustrated’s Stewart Mandel.
- Techie Stuff
- Oh, hey! I didn’t realize you could create animated images with Photoshop!
- Apple did a very smart thing when it priced Snow Leopard below the cost of a typical family visit to the movies.
- Do you use any of the out-of-touch computer terms on this list at your office?
2024-01-15: Dead links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
- General Stuff
- Do you love Conan O’Brien’s Twitter Tracker segment? Of course you do. And now you can follow TW1TTERTRACKER!
- I’ve mentioned The Impossible Cool here already, but the site is worth another visit … even if it’s just to see Connery.
- It’s been at least seven years since I said it would be a good idea, but you can finally now add anything you want to your Amazon Wishlist. (Here’s mine.)
- A gaggle of geese. A pride of lions. Everyone knows those. But what about a conspiracy of theorists? Or a vacuum of bimbos? There are all sorts of collective nouns.
- Healthcare reform: lies, lies, and more lies.
- I love any joke with a very elaborate set-up.
- Electronic Yodeling Pickle
- Happy (belated) birthday, Ryan Tober!
Gator Stuff
- Percy Harvin’s Greatest Hits
- Going undefeated in the SEC is nearly impossible.
- Florida is No. 1 in the Associated Press poll released on Saturday morning, receiving 58 of 60 first place votes (96.7 percent) – the most overwhelming preseason No. 1 in the history of the AP poll, which dates back to 1950.
- “It took Osborne more than 20 years to win his first title. Urban Meyer is going for his third, in his fifth season at the school. … in the past three years the winner of the LSU-Florida game has gone on to win the national championship.”
- Could Tim Tebow be the Grover Cleveland of college football?
- Download the Gator Chomp!
- How to beat the champs as Gators seek repeat title
- Techie Stuff
- SSD vs. SATA on your mobile device
- hurl is a free web-based application which enables users to send custom HTTP requests and view the responses.
- Lifehacker’s Tips to Make Outlook Faster (than molasses)
- General Stuff
- And now you wanna be my friend on Facebook? Are you f#$@ing kidding me?
- Just when you thought you’d seen everything odd on the Internet, you stumble upon a website with the sole purpose of displaying people who have wrapped scotch tape around their heads. That moves the one featuring photos of cat buttholes into second place for Weirdest Site You’ve Seen This Week. (first link via mefi, second link via nutkitty)
- VH1 Reality Douchebag Wanted for Gruesome Murder of Stripper/Model Wife: Read all about it at F-Listed.
- Some are speculating that the Beatles library is going to start appearing in the iTunes store as early as next month.
- Flash frustration fun: Circle the Cat
- The 7 Levels of Tailgating: Are you a Champion TailGator?
- Techie Stuff
- Time is nicer when it’s relative. Here’s how to display time nicely in PHP.
- How to Write a PHP Script to Run Shell Commands from a Browser