- General Stuff
- And now you wanna be my friend on Facebook? Are you f#$@ing kidding me?
- Just when you thought you’d seen everything odd on the Internet, you stumble upon a website with the sole purpose of displaying people who have wrapped scotch tape around their heads. That moves the one featuring photos of cat buttholes into second place for Weirdest Site You’ve Seen This Week. (first link via mefi, second link via nutkitty)
- VH1 Reality Douchebag Wanted for Gruesome Murder of Stripper/Model Wife: Read all about it at F-Listed.
- Some are speculating that the Beatles library is going to start appearing in the iTunes store as early as next month.
- Flash frustration fun: Circle the Cat
- The 7 Levels of Tailgating: Are you a Champion TailGator?
- Techie Stuff
- Time is nicer when it’s relative. Here’s how to display time nicely in PHP.
- How to Write a PHP Script to Run Shell Commands from a Browser
Posts tagged “dailydavid”
- General Stuff
- President Obama was recently interviewed about his policies regarding education by a very good reporter. He loves mangoes.
- Anil writes about another good reason to like the Obama administration.
- It’s been more than four months since Merlin has posted a new 5ive. Where could he be?!
- A new study suggests that the amount of sleep you need may be written in your genes.
- Poor Jessica: “Saying your drinking was offending the Dallas Cowboys is like saying your anti-semitism was bothering the other guys in the SS.”
- But what are you going to do with one million giraffes?
- I love baby seals as much as the next guy, but I don’t think I could ever get tired of watching great white sharks eat them in high-def and slow-motion.
- “Until the early 20th century, holding a mortgage came with a stigma. You were a debtor, and chronic indebtedness was a problem to be avoided like too much drinking or gambling. … During the wild late 1990s and the first years of the new century, the dream of home ownership turned hallucinogenic.”
Gator Stuff
- Sad news: Gator receiver Paul Wilson’s career has come to an abrupt end.
- You gotta see these Tim Tebow parody SI covers. (See also: the greatest photo of Tebow ever.)
- Techie Stuff
- This week I’m probably going to install MAMP.
- Got stripes?
- Digging into WordPress gives us a list of great plugins for any site.
- General Stuff
- Help fix Zoe’s ears.
- F-Listed has posted a very thorough examination of the “tramp stamp”.
- My dad has once again posted a few dozen amazing photographs.
- Rhode Island “spas” are well known and largely untouchable by police and prosecutors because state law permits prostitution so long as it takes place discreetly, outside public view. (via OS&RR)
- What’s cooler than Teenage Zombies? Not much.
- Gator Stuff
- Every Gator fan should check out the GatorHighlights YouTube channel.
- Every Day Should Be Saturday, on Tim Tebow’s summer beard: “It’s not a beard, it’s a cowcatcher mounted on the front of a pain train.”
- Techie Stuff
- Here’s everything you ever wanted to know about your Mac’s menu bar. (I’m posting these for you, mom!)
- Twitter is going to implement “official” retweets. This is good news.
- 30 PHP Best Practices for Beginners
- Looking for a great tutorial on CSS sprites?
- Here’s the official word from Apple on how to create an iPhone / iPod Touch icon.
- And every good site should have a nice favicon.
- Chipin is a widget you can place on a site to get donations, payments, etc. Very nifty.
- General Stuff
This is the definition of cool. View them all.
- I love that Julianne Moore makes a cameo in Funny or Die’s The Ballad of G.I. Joe. (See also: John Hamm as Lex Luthor)
- Pornstar or Potato? — exactly what it says
- Eating seafood gave us the edge on the Neanderthals.
- Models without makeup are still pretty hot.
- What the hell have you done with Harrison Ford’s wife?
- Beware of flying fish.
- People with an angrier temperament are more likely to think of themselves as moving through time than to think of time as moving towards them.
- Gator Stuff
- “With all due respect to the other college programs and NFL franchises in [Florida] right now, there’s only one team that is nationally relevant: Urban’s Gators.”
- Florida returns 11 starters from a defense that ranked ninth in the country overall in 2008.
- Techie Stuff
- Really Useful Classes And Libraries for PHP Developers
- All about your Mac’s Dock.
- Apple released another Mac OSX update. If you have a Mac, click the little Apple logo in the top left and choose “Software Update …†to update your system. (This means you, mom.)
- General Stuff
- Your body wasn’t built to last: a lesson from human mortality rates is fascinating.
- If you go through life free of bad habits, you won’t live forever, but it will feel like it.
- Top Ten Favorite Numbers
- I guess if hanging out with beautiful women, on the beach, in Spain, drinking, on a Tuesday afternoon, while being ridiculously rich is your definition of “cool”, then… yeah, being Leonardo diCaprio is probably fun.
- When you’re old, you have to have something to give you pleasure.
- So what does all this mean if you’re ambidextrous?
- I read Men’s Health and Sports Illustrated all the time. I never read Time or Newsweek. This is why.
- I can’t see any special effects, but I find it hard to believe that this amazing waterslide jump real.
- Coke vs. Pepsi: The truth about the logos.
- About a decade ago I worked for a company that did “every-other-Friday-off” and I thought it was extraordinary.
- Techie Stuff
- The Smoking Gun catches a loser.
- Apple releases Mac OSX 10.5.8 update. If you have a Mac, click the little Apple logo in the top left and choose “Software Update…” to update your system. (This means you, mom.)
- To keep the Google Analytics code from interfering with page rendering you can use jQuery to load and execute the ga.js file.
- PHP comes with a bunch of functions designed to help you manage URLs.
- And speaking of URLs… Comcast will now send you to a crap spam page if you type an URL incorrectly.
- Gator Stuff
- Urban Meyer: This is it.
- The University of Tennessee has some serious issues.
- Welcome back, Riley!
- College Football Preseason Top 25 Power Rankings: Cheerleader Edition
- General Stuff
- Journalistic integrity: R.I.P.
- Let’s talk about chicks, man.
- It’s not as exciting as the fact that college football is coming soon, but it is Shark Week on the Discovery Channel. Set your DVRs.
- Techie Stuff
- Freelance Apple has posted a funny list of seven “deadly” client questions and how he answers them.
- How To Build an Animated Header in jQuery
- Microsoft details how to port iPhone apps to Windows Mobile. Good luck with that.
- Gator Stuff
- I didn’t realize that Olympic swimmer Dara Torres was a Gator. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, though.
- So Urban Meyer just signed a 6-year $24M contract, and LSU coach Les Miles just got a clause added to his contract stating that he will always be paid $1 more than the highest paid SEC coach. If Urban had that same clause in his contract, this could be some sort of end-of-the-universe infinite-loop catastrophe.
- Re-Tweet from @CoachUrbanMeyer: “My family and I are dedicated to Florida and are excited to be a Gator for another 6 years. Its great to be a Florida Gator!”
- “While other state universities like UCF and Florida State have seen their booster contributions and season-ticket sales plummet during this economic downturn, Gator football is printing money faster than the Obama administration.”
- General Stuff
- Ladies and gentlemen, I present the governor of California.
- And speaking of the governor … An analysis of the temporal anomalies in the Terminator series is pretty interesting.
- Dracula’s drycleaner must die! (link via mefi)
- Techie Stuff
- You must read John Gruber’s excellent essay on the long, slow decline of Microsoft.
- Spam, spam, spam, spam, and now … more spam.
- Gator Stuff
- Here are five reasons why this season won’t be easy for Florida.
- General Stuff
- Reading emails from crazy people is at least as much fun as reading psychotic letters from men.
- The iConcertCal app lets you know when the artists in your iTunes library are performing near you. That’s just a good idea.
- While I was on vacation, my coworkers wallpapered my office pink and plastered hundreds of Hannah Montana stickers and postcards all over the walls.
- If you haven’t done it yet, now is the perfect time to Mad Men Yourself.
- Techie Stuff
- WordPress Bits has lots of nifty tips for WordPress bloggers.
- Want to display a special maintenance message while you’re working on the guts of your WordPress site? There’s a plugin for that.
- General Stuff
- Personal urns are a new and exciting way to memorialize your loved one.
- How many people have been looking for unusual paintings of Obama naked with unicorns?
- Is it possible to cheat on the Rorschach test?
- Techie Stuff
- Spam, spam, spam, spam, and now … more spam.
- Although coverage in Los Angeles is generally pretty good, I agree: AT&T can’t handle the iPhone.
- There’s nothing quite like a banana billboard to liven up a cool Photoshop tutorial on the free transform tool.
- General Stuff
- 4th of July Fireworks over the Pacific Ocean, as seen from Front Street in historic Lahaina Town in Maui, Hawaii, recorded with my iPhone 3GS
- It took a lot of dedication to spend nineteen years building the world’s best model aircraft carrier.
- Is there really such a thing as a rock star accountant?
- Classic advertising is often quite funny.
- Who says money can’t buy happiness?
- A surprising number of people have survived falling from an airplane.
- The University of Florida announced that students enrolling in the College of Pharmacy this Fall will be required to own either an iPhone or iPod touch.
- New research shows that boys with stupid names are more likely to become criminals.
- Techie Stuff
- Freeware Genius contains tons of reviews of great free software.
- If you want to know what tech articles I’m reading, you should subscribe to my delicious feed.
- There are a ton of free Twitter icons, logos, and badges available.
- iWebKit lets you easily create websites formatted for the iPhone.
- What exactly is a WordPress Theme Framework?