Posts tagged “death”
Kathleen A. Gagne
My mom died one year ago today. It simultaneously feels like it was only yesterday and like it was a thousand years ago. I miss her so much that there is an actual ache in my heart. She died much too young. It was undeserved and unfair and unjust and I still rage inside that
One of my favorite memories of my mom — of my entire childhood, actually — is singing Runaway by Del Shannon in the car with her and my little sister while driving to St. Paul’s Catholic elementary school. I love that song. She loved that song. She loved singing that song. Mom loved music. And
The Horizon Is a Beltway
On losing my mother
Gorilla Sales Skyrocket After Latest Gorilla Attack
If every person at that mall had had a gorilla…
Like a Lizard on a Window Pane
Links after yet another round of senseless murder
I have a friend who always snaps at anyone who dramatically uses the word “hate”. If someone says, “I hate the layout of this website,” or, “I hate getting stuck at this traffic light,” he will respond, “No. You don’t.”
My Contacts
In which I am angry about an app
Death and All of His Friends
Death sucks.
Finding a Box of Family Letters
This poem is beautiful.