We have got to be living in a golden age of notebooks. I’m sure there is an obscure German word that defines an addiction to collecting notebooks paired with the overestimation of how much actual writing any one person can possibly accomplish. I adore my dozens and dozens of Field Notes and Moleskines and already have more than I am ever likely to fill, but holy hell these Keepbooks from Studio Neat are gorgeous.
Posts tagged “design”
Banana Republic 1987 Holiday Gift Workbook
When I was in elementary school, these are the clothes I imagined I’d wear to work every day.
Gator Helvetica T-Shirts
In which I consider who belongs in the UF HoF
The Timeless Beauty of National Geographic is a wonderful article examining the stability of a famous brand aesthetic. (I used to love reading NG in my elementary school library when I was a kid and just last year decided to get my very own subscription. Every article in every issue is fabulous, just as they always have been.)
- “The most well-known use of Spencerian script is, arguably, the Coca-Cola logo. The logo was designed in the 1880s by the company’s bookkeeper, Frank Robinson.”
- Repeat after me: Taking Photos In Public Places Is Not A Crime
- National Public Radio is changing its name to NPR. (I guess that’s better than Dweezil.)
- Finally! More photos of kitties in wigs!
- “Losing friends is inevitable. Making enemies is not.” — from 35 Lessons in 35 Years
- “This year is the 30th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back, the Star Wars sequel that many fans consider the pinnacle moment in a franchise that has pulled in $16 billion in box office and merchandising. But 1980 was also the year that Kurtz and Lucas realized the Jedi universe wasn’t big enough for the both of them.”
- Technology is great, for sure, but you’ll never pick up your iPad and find a perfectly preserved, century-old press pass to a World Series game in its digital pages.
- “Resizing my browser window to make sure it fills up my entire screen will not make me focus on your pretty pictures or admire your wicked design.”
- If you’re looking for seriously advanced computer knowledge — like how to determine the size of an image of Robocop riding a unicorn — take a look at Unicorn Tips.
Real Products for Fictional Companies
The excellent local blog CurbedLA had an entry recently on artist Mark Bennett’s blueprints of fictional places. He has created very detailed floor-plans of famous pretend places, like the homes of George and Jane Jetson, Rob and Laura Petrie, and June and Ward Cleaver. (There’s a book, too!) I thought these were terrific so I
Star Wars Design Flaws
Note to the Emperor: Someone on your Death Star design staff is in the pay of Rebel forces. Oh, right, you can’t get the memo because someone threw you down a huge exposed shaft in your Death Star throne room. from John Scalzi’s Guide to the Most Epic FAILs in Star Wars Design
Stop Being Broken