Posts tagged “development”
The Ultimate Guide to Local WordPress Development on a Mac
In which I explain how I roll my code
#FridayFive: Web Development Resources
Great tools make great code.
What Have You Tried?
Over at I just found an excellent article about software development and a must-read for any programmer, at any level: If you’re a developer and you’re about to ask another developer a technical question (on a forum, via email, on a chat channel, or in person), you’d better be ready to answer the question
2008 – 2009 iCal College Bowl Schedule
In which I explain how to create an iCal version of the college football bowl season schedule
This is going to be a blog for information related to my many projects. Mostly I will probably write about programs I am writing and web development work I am doing, and I imagine this will mainly be a personal blog. I doubt many people will be interested in learning about listview columnheaders or SQL