- “Hey gamers remember, on Dec 26 a lot of kids are gonna be online playing with their gifted console/game/pc for the first time. Be nice.” – via @dinocornel
- An Ode to Christmas Eve
- It’s a Christmas miracle! Netflix subscribers can play Civilization VI on iOS devices, free and with no ads. – via hiro.report
- In 1996 Sir Purr became the only NFL mascot to ever be involved in a live play. – via @gregstreetz83
- Is it just me or does every Instagram link shared via Apple Messages on iOS 18 take you to the wrong post? And the preview of the link in Messages never works.
The Alphabet Fades Away – via @anthony_onumonu
- Democratic Representative Abigail Spanberger, on lawmakers’ unfounded theories about those weird drones over New Jersey: “Members of Congress need to not be opportunistic idiots who say shit that’s not true.” – via crooked
- Drinking caffeine (the equivalent of a very strong cup) thirty minutes before aerobic exercise increases fat oxidation by 11% in the morning and by 13% in the afternoon. – via Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s Pump Club
- A pregnant woman in Texas claimed her fetus was an HOV lane passenger, but got a ticket anyway.
- New England’s largest outdoor sculpture park is in Brookline, New Hampshire, about an hour north of Boston. – via my dad
Posts tagged “driving”
#FridayFive: Goofy Cartoons
Hyuk hyuk hyuk!
#FridayFive: First Rides
Hell on wheels
#FridayFive: Los Angeles Streets
Driving in Los Angeles
Los Angeles Monorail
Why can’t we have nice things?
Big O Tires – West Los Angeles
Dealing with auto repairs is always a hassle.
Why don’t they make traffic cones from some sort of easily-pulverizable corn resin type material? I see a half dozen of those things on my drive to work every day, usually squeezed into a median barrier or precariously close to the shoulder. If they burst into little pieces — like the special effects shatter glass they use on movie sets — wouldn’t they be much less dangerous to drivers? Boom. There’s your million dollar idea for the day. Someone get working on that.