Posts tagged “ecommerce”
In which I complain about an inexcusable lack of customer service
New Payment Methods Accepted
While advertising as a form of support for independent Web sites has proven about as effective as sugar-frosted dental floss, the Web still manages to serve as a massively multiplayer open mic night for many the aspiring writer/artist/poet/revolutionary. The reason for this is simple: money and fame have historically been a less powerful motivator for
The Airwalk Web Site
The Airwalk site is pretty cool. I couldn’t find my new pair there (heh heh, “pair there”). This is the part I don’t get: WHY CAN I NOT BUY SHOES THERE?!? Damn, there are so many things I would BUY if some corporate fcuks would GET A CLUE and SELL ON-LINE! Why can I not