If you’ve been trying to find Gregg Easterbrook‘s column on Salon and you can’t, it’s because he switched to ESPN.com’s Page 2. From now on, you can get your weekly doses of TMQ right here.
Posts tagged “ESPN”
Link Droppings
A collection of interesting links
Bullet Points
Some random musings
Picking the National Champion
There’s an excellent excerpt from ESPN College Football Encyclopedia: The Complete History of the Game on the ESPN site right now. It’s the story of how the BCS was born and the history of the college football polling system. Go read it!
A HUD for traffic
Blown Over
I’ve seen SportsCenter nine times tonight and we lose every time.
Time Again
College Football Bowl Season
Tony Kornheiser
In which I make a mistake on national radio
ESPN Radio
I listened to ESPN radio for about a half-hour around lunch today. The guest was the Rams’ D’Marco Farr. He spoke very eloquently. In case you’re wondering … D’Marco Farr is a complete moron.
I just heard Stuart Scott on Sportscenter talking about Barry Bonds‘ season this year. He said something that just blows me away. I hadn’t — until now — really appreciated Bonds’ home run extravaganza. The 73 (SEVENTY-THREE!!!) home runs in a season is amazing, obviously. But Scott just said that Bonds hit a home run every twelve swings. Not “at-bats”. Swings. A home run every twelfth time he swung the bat. That is just incredible. I cannot believe that.