Posts tagged “exercise”
Bad News for Resolutionists
Starting in the next few days, you’ll start to see them. They’re the resolutionists, and they’re going to invade your local gym. But new studies show some bad news for everyone working a desk job, and not just for the ones suddenly motivated to start lifting weights or getting some cardio “this year”. Those of
#FridayFive: Favorite P90X Routines
View the Friday Five from August 9th, 2013
I will be chasing your starlight.
Reading and running
The Horizon Is a Beltway
On losing my mother
Before You Came into My Life
Notes on the reliability of the original Nike Fuel Band
It Ought to Be Easier
It’s really hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that Tim might not make it in the NFL. It seems absurd to me. When my alarm rang at six this morning, there was a text waiting for me that read, “Heard Tebow was cut from NPR before ESPN.” My first thought was
Sub-9 for 10
In which he goes for another run
Gonna Fly Now
I have been absolutely nuts for oranges and orange juice lately. I remember when I was a little kid I would go through phases during which I craved OJ like mad, but it’s been probably twenty-five years since the last time that happened. But now I’m drinking two or three glasses every morning and eating
Mall Parking Lots / on Holidays
Notes on a run