• I think it’s safe to say that bluntcard.com is my new favorite ecard site.
  • Ferris Club
  • Few things are as cool as Batman riding a robotic unicorn over a rainbow full of dolphins.
  • There was once a woman who had immortal cells.
  • True fact.
  • I live in Los Angeles, so I am almost always “near” the ocean. There’s nothing like being in Hawaii, though. I need to be near a big body of water on a regular basis. I need it to reset my psychic metronome.
  • To promote his new novel, Doubles, author Nic Brown challenged pro tennis player Tripp Phillips to a tournament. The story of the match is terrific.
  • Fantastic feline fun for the whole family!
  • Is anything sadder than a sad bear?
2024-06-07: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.