Apparently I am not a nice guy. Well hell, I could’ve told you *that*!
Posts tagged “Firda”
No way! Firda’s redesign is even awesomer more awesome than I realized! Check it out: It’s just like ColorFormstm! The amazingly cool Indonesian duck strikes again!
Firda hair and goatee
Firda thinks I should do my hair and goatee like this. I guess it would certainly be different, but I don’t know if I’m willing to invest that much in hair gel.
Call Firda and tell her I said, “It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken.” Her number is (800) 222-6000 ext. 800630000. From time to time I may ask you to do these things for me. Do not question my authority. Just do them. You’ll feel better about yourself. I promise.
Blog Redesigns
Some notes on web design and music
Weblog Wannabe T-Shirt
Spec-quack-ular! Mine’s on the way!
Reasons to Like Firda
Firda forgot Reason #11 – She is loved and respected by everyone in Bloggerville.
Comments regarding a recent IRC chat
Weblog Redesign
Could it be possible in this universe for weblog wannabe‘s redesign to have been any cooler? I don’t think so.
Blog Title
Firda thinks that no one will recognize that my blog is named b l i n g now that I made the header so large. Hmmm … maybe I’ll flip them …