Posts tagged “food”
Dog Food
Does this dog taste funny to you?
Wine Biscuits
Anne Albanese’s World Famous Wine Biscuits
Cops Bust Cheesy Party
I couldn’t possibly invent this stuff on my own … The cheese was their downfall. Several citations were issued during the weekend to people authorities said were making and selling illegal bathtub cheese and unprocessed milk.
Eat a Football?
Craigslist in Los Angeles is wild
Fortune Cookie
Nice. I’ve previously ranted about getting crappy fortunes in fortune cookies. Today I got the fortune: “You will inherit a large sum of money.” Sounds good to me. Papa’s got bills to pay, brutha.
I have Papa John’s pizza on speed dial on my office phone.
Jack in the Box
On the side of a Jack in the Box bag: Everything in here tastes amazing. Except the napkins.
Bebopareebop Rhubarb Pie
Nothing gets the taste of fear and humiliation out of your mouth like it!
I don’t care who you are, or how much you’ve researched it, or how much you might think you know about it, or what you’ve seen on the Discovery Channel. You simply cannot truly appreciate the raw power, the explosive force, the incredible effects … until you’ve sneezed with a mouthful of particulate (such as
Popcorn Fork
The Popcorn Fork™ will be the 4th commonly used eating utensil in the home (especially when the dishwasher hasn’t been emptied.) Now you, too, can say good-bye to greasy fingers and paper napkins. With new finger foods coming to market almost daily, the least I can do is help clean up this delicious mess!