Megnut mentioned one of those ‘net services a few days ago. The and sites are nifty, to be sure, but I just found a place that is even more useful. While I was in San Diego this weekend Chris showed me Food.Com and I was astounded. What a wonderful web site! You enter your address and the site tells you which restaurants will deliver food to you. You can see the entire menu and pay by credit card. It’s like for dinner! It is totally rocking cool. I’m very excited about it.
[Oh, and if everyone else in the world already knows about this place, shame on you for not telling me about it sooner!]
Posts tagged “Friends”
Win Ben Stein’s Money
And now … me, too! They just returned my call!
Chris went to and jumped through some other little hoops and now has a pretty good chance of being a contestant on Win Ben Stein’s Money! How cool is that?!
San Diego
Service Interruption I’m off to visit my friend Chris. Regularly scheduled blogging should resume when I return from San Diego. Be good, eat your veggies, clear the table, and do the dishes.
Sometimes a redesign can just make your blog beautiful. This is a good example. I used to love visiting this site because of her acerbic wit and truculent instant messages. Now I just go for the flowers. She’s so cute!
Jabber:Packetszzzzz … is a parody of a site that doesn’t get updated often enough.
Remember Friends? Wasn’t Joey an actor? He was; I’m pretty sure he was an actor. A bad one. So. How about this? The guy should do a commercial IRL. I kill me sometimes. Right? (What could he be promoting? I don’t know. It’s not important.) The important thing is: he gets to say, “I’m not
Happy Birthday Tara Peburn!
Happy Birthday Tara Peburn!
Ryan Tober
Happy Birthday Ryan! Everyone be soopah cool and tell Ryan Happy Birthday!
Jason Chilton in California
Jason finally made it to California. Read his synopsis of the journey. It’s quite interesting.