Strange things are afoot at…
Posts tagged “Friends”
Party Detritus
Parties have a way of supplying me with a comical assortment of stuff. In addition to the cell phone AC power cord, I have also found one of Jorge’s oldest t-shirts, a blue Nike t-shirt, about $40 in cash, a bottle of Visine, an unopened (thankfully!) bottle of tequila, some 200 empty Budweiser bottles, 20
I went on a delightful run tonight. It was crushingly hot and humid, but felt totally awesome. The last mile or so was deadly and my stomach was cramping, though. When I got home and my brain resumed processing, I realized that on Monday the only thing I ate was half an order of horrendous
In Which He Finds An AC Adapter
I found an AC plug to a cellular phone in the guest room. If it’s yours and you ever want to see it again, send $2.8 million in nickels by tomorrow night. Or just call. Or eMail. Whatever.
In Which He Realizes Something He Had Forgotten
We played Taboo?!
in which I am a dolt
My best friend lives in LA. All day long I’ve been waiting for him to get on-line because I wanted to tell him something. But he’s not going to be getting on-line today! He’s in an airplane on his way here! Doh!
There once was a girl named Pornstar Who partied at the AoS She complained that I never blogged her So here’s a poem for Jess! Happy now?!?!
Mambo Italiano
If you’ve never done it, head over to ha ha, no serious and see if you can win the Postcard of the Week. It’s always a thrill. I got mine today! Included in the .. er .. package .. was a little plastic army man apparently super-glued to a little plastic sheep. There was also
No Blogging
Incredible! I had plenty to say on the OceanBlog today. I almost went the whole day without saying anything here. I can hardly believe it. There is so much to say about me! No. Really. I think I’ll wait about ten minutes and then tell you the story of how my best friend and I
Visit from Sixkill
Okay, gotta clean up around here a bit. Don’t want Billy thinking I’m a slobbo!