Posts tagged “Google”
A Look Back to the Future
This is sure to be wildly popular: Google 2001. “In honor of our 10th birthday, we’ve brought back our oldest available index. Take a look back at Google in January 2001.” How cool is that? It’s pretty funny to do some searches to see what they’d indexed. I’m strangely proud to note, of course, that
Plaxo Is Stealing Comments
In which a tech startup gets sneaky
Improve Your AdSense
An excellent tutorial from G: AdSense Optimization Demo
A Rant about Keywords and URLs
A day or two ago I was pinged by a co-worker from my previous job. He wanted to know why, during its recent redesign, I didn’t include keywords in the URLs of the pages on a site I originally built a long, long time ago. I told him that there was no concrete evidence anywhere
Section Targeting
Whoa. I don’t know how I haven’t seen this yet. Google lets you target specific sections of your page as more or less relevant to AdSense. This should be required reading for all bloggers and — hell — should be part of the default WP install … What is section targeting and how do I
Excellent Failure – Google Bombs Away!
US President George W. Bush has been Google bombed. A search for “miserable failure” on the popular search engine Google brings up, as the first link, the official biography of Bush provided by the White House. This can be done because Google does not only search the contents of web pages, it also counts how
Book Learning
“Google is beginning to have a subtle, but noticeable effect on research. More and more scholarly publications are putting up their issues in PDF format, which Google indexes as though they were traditional Web pages. But almost no one is publishing entire books online in PDF form. So, when you’re doing research online, Google is
You Never Give Me Your Money
In which I rank highly for some odd terms
What Is David?
This is quite funny. From Robyn came the idea to do a Google search on “David is“.Here are the top ten eleven things David is, according to Google: David is … the devil. David is … burning. David is … triumphant over Goliath. David is … currently a hot property in the character actor business. David is … science editor for Parade Magazine, and writes