Posts tagged “guns”
Good Lord, that last paragraph. – via @joshtpm
Every parent in the US who sends their kids to school knows that they are playing a lottery – today could be the day that their kid is shot. It could happen anywhere, any time. There’s no safe place.
It’s utterly, utterly fucking insane that we live like this.
Stanford research shows right-to-carry gun laws are linked to an increase in violent crime.
Original BlasTech DL-44
A few years ago I wrote about how foolish it would be for me to spend $499.00 on a replica BlasTech DL-44. (I really did consider it.) I guess that means it would be really, really irresponsible to lay down $200,000.00 for the actual one. via
Gorilla Sales Skyrocket After Latest Gorilla Attack
If every person at that mall had had a gorilla…
Like a Lizard on a Window Pane
Links after yet another round of senseless murder