Posts tagged “health”
Natural American Spirit Cigarettes
In addition to one of the standard Surgeon General’s Warnings, packs of Natural American Spirit cigarettes are labeled: Made with 100% additive-free, whole leaf, natural tobacco. No reconstituted sheet tobacco. No processed stems. Up to 25% more tobacco than other king size cigarettes. All of that would, in some convoluted way, probably lead a smoker
Eating 100 Treadmills
With my special training program, anyone can eat 100 treadmills in 7 weeks.
Receptor-Site Upregulation and Acetylcholine
Smoking kills
This Pounding in My Head
Awesome. When I woke up today I thought to myself, “I really hope that there is someone pounding on the other side of the wall behind my head with a hammer all day.” It looks like my wish has been granted!
What Lies Beneath
The author of The Progress Paradox, Gregg Easterbrook, writes a weekly column for called Tuesday Morning Quarterback during football season. I didn’t get a chance to read it Tuesday because I was still in Vegas. I love Easterbrook because he’s not afraid to tackle social issues in the middle of discussing the merits of
Abnormally Large
So I went to the doctor’s today. I have what is probably the twentieth sinus infection I’ve gotten since I moved to LA 5+ years ago. This one is really killing me, especially since I thought that I had gotten over it last week. I am on Round Two of antibiotics. Blech. Didn’t Ms. Curie
49ers lineman dies at 23
“Herrion was 6-foot-3, 310 pounds — fairly average for an NFL lineman, but considered obese within standards routinely accepted by the medical community.”
Public Health Warning
Fish Oil Supplements: Is The Brand You’re Taking Safe? (from Oceans Alive) I don’t know. It just sounded like a funny title for an internet article to me — like the pathetic teasers for the 11 o’clock local news or ’50s horror movies about coffee and / or pre-marital sex. Interesting to see that K-Mart
Bobby Bowden Syndrome
“Suspended Florida State quarterback Wyatt Sexton was taken to a Tallahassee hospital on Monday evening by local police after causing a disturbance in the street, then identifying himself to police as ‘God’ and the ‘son of God.’ Sexton was not arrested.”
Here’s one for the “weird” file: GIANTmicrobes! I always wanted a stuffed rhinovirus! We make stuffed animals that look like tiny microbes — only a million times actual size! Each 5-to-7 inch doll is accompanied by an image of the real microbe it represents, as well as information about the microbe. link via 8 Ways