Posts tagged “HTML”

Ending Lists

On list groupings and the correct use of commas


It took some work, but I think that this page and all the individual entries now validate with the w3c for css and html 4.01 (transitional). w00t!

HTML Reference

The HTML 4.0 Entities™ reference page is very handy. You† can® do° all¶ kindsº of£ nifty€ thingsŸ withÖ it¿.

Web Design

The webbedENVIRONMENTS site, from the author of DHTML and CSS for the World Wide Web: 2nd ed has been in my link list for years. There are some terrific essays here, including a good frames / no frames argument.


I found a script at Dreamhost to make it snow on the page. Let’s see if it works.


Way cool: I found an article at that describes how to use Microsoft’s XMLHTTP object to get data from other web pages. You can create a custom Internet Movie Database search machine with this information … very interesting …


If you visit you’ll see a period – . – before each link to an entry’s comments. That period is a link to the editing window for that particular entry. As long as I am logged in to MovableType, I can click on that link and immediately begin editing the post. Here’s the link


I loves me some Cut-N-Paste javascript …

What Is This? is the personal weblog of me, David Vincent Gagne. I've been publishing here since 1999, which makes this one of the oldest continuously-updated websites on the Internet.

A few years ago I was trying to determine what cocktails I could make with the alcohol I had at home. I searched the App Store but couldn't find an app that would let me do that, so I built one.


You can read dozens of essays and articles and find hundreds of links to other sites with stories and information about Ernest Hemingway in The Hemingway Collection.