- One thing this country has always enjoyed is a good drink. Whether it was rum on the Atlantic, bourbon at the races or that Bloody Mary at Sunday Brunch, alcohol is the American Drink.
Boom! Dexter returns at the end of September. (Don’t watch the trailer if you didn’t see season 4 yet!)
- Don’t Eff With Fudgie the Whale, Lindsay!
- I cannot wait to see Bad Universe (featuring BadAstronomy).
- Mister Gunther makes horoscopes fun!
- Betty Goes Reno: A visit to the glamorous divorce ranches of the Mad Men era.
- He hasn’t taken a single snap in a real game yet, but Tim Tebow is already leading the league in jersey sales. (Nike has some cool Tebow sneakers, too.)
- Do you think you can identify who voices each character on The Simpsons?
- I didn’t know that there are ATMs in Antarctica.
- Being President of the United States is probably the loneliest job in the world.
Posts tagged “ice cream”
All These Things That I’ve Done
I just finished a 10.0 mi run with a pace of 9'29"/mi with Nike+ Running. http://t.co/jqgxSbUu #nikeplus — David Vincent Gagne (@davidgagne) October 29, 2012 While all my friends and family on the East coast were hunkering down for Hurricane Sandy, I went on a ten mile run in painfully perfect weather. I am guessing
The iPhone just keeps getting better. (I’ve had each one.)
- What Broke My Father’s Heart
- I have been in hysterics reading quotes from the fascinating lives of the people who live in my furniture catalogs… “Oh, dear. Our Q-Tip decanter is almost 1/5th depleted!”
- Lake Street Creamery. We guarantee IT WILL TURN YOU INTO A GOD.*
- The Swedish Chef cooks popcorn shrimp.
- The oil spill? “It’s heartbreakin’, baby.”
- The Who Tall Are You? mirror looks like it would be fun for a teenager’s room.
- It will probably be
light yearscenturies before the Sci-Fi Airshow makes its way to Los Angeles, and I sadly won’t get to see it. - Real Life vs. CSI:Miami
- Proper punctuation is important. Seriously.
free ice cream
Wednesday, May 2 is Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Free Cone Day. Need I say more?