Posts tagged “instant messages”
Sometimes when I don’t have ICQ running I still think I’m seeing something flickering in the status bar. Then I look to see who is arriving and all I see is the time. This somehow worries me. [Note: I am not avoiding anyone. I just want to finish dishin’ out my heapin’ helpin’ of wonderfulness
Damn Funny
“you…..are damn funny.” – received via ICQ
“Well, you’re not really clean-looking, for one thing. at least ryan still looks clean though he still looks like a serial killer.”
received via ICQ
Maybe I could create an entire site out of out-of-context ICQ messages! This one’s from Jorge: smoggy as hell today… the air’s so dirty I’m thinking about getting SCUBA gear…
from Jorge, via ICQ:No, silly … everyone knows that there are two very distinct species of Mr. Potato Heads … the non-poisonous, non-toxic Potatus Headus Nonperilus and the fatally poisonous, very exotic Potatus Headus If-it-catches-you-it-will-poisoin-you-badus …