- General Stuff
- Crush the Castle is an awesome Flash game. You will become addicted. (Luckily you’ll also quickly finish the whole game, so it’s not that bad.)
- The vendor/client relationship is often quite funny.
- I need to get about two dozen of these kick-ass CableDrops. (Or you could buy me some for my birthday!)
- The black Crocs Santa Cruz loafer is quite possibly the most comfortable shoe I’ve ever owned. I bought a pair in Maui to wear on the beach, but I’ve been wearing them to work lately because they’re so great. I like them so much I might just buy another pair in a different color.
- I’m GatorDavid on the World Golf Tour if anyone wants to challenge me. That game is like crack.
- Sure, sure… explosionsandboobs.com is a lot of fun. But have you seen explosionsandbobs.com?
- Anything is possible at zombo.com!
- Techie Stuff
Posts tagged “iPhone”
GarageBand + iTunes = Free iPhone Ringtones
Whoa! I had no idea that you could use GarageBand and iTunes to create custom iPhone ringtones from any song in your iTunes library. That is bitchin’!
#FridayFive: iPhone Apps
View the Friday Five from January 23rd, 2009
How to Handle a Ducking iPhone
For some reason that makes little sense, Apple decided to not include one of the words I use most frequently in the iPhone’s internal dictionary. So if I ever send you a text message saying that something is, “ducking awesome,” or that you need to, “get the duck out,” that is why. A certified Apple
iPhone SMS Alarm Bug
This morning I discovered what is possibly the world’s most annoying iPhone bug. For some time now I’ve been trying to determine why every now and then I seem to sleep right through my alarm. The iPhone alarm can be set to be tragically loud and uncomfortably annoying, so the fact that I have frequently
iPhone Wallpapers
In which I share some iPhone wallpapers I created
Crap. There goes the rest of 2008. Take a look at Frenzic (iPhone version), “a fast-paced, addictive game that makes Tetris look like child’s play.”
Mile High Music Festival 2008
In which he attends a music festival
iPhone 3G Bluetooth
It takes four actions to enable Bluetooth on the new iPhone. Click “Settings”. Click “General”. Click “Bluetooth”. Click on/off slider. Leaving Bluetooth enabled all the time drains the battery much too quickly, so it makes sense to only enable it when you are using it, and to disable it when you are finished. (The same
iPhone Ringtone Creator
Recommended by a friend: iToner: No hacks. No per-ringtone fees. Unlimited custom ringtones for your iPhone. Update for Mac Users: You can create your own ringtones for free with GarageBand, which is probably already on your computer. Update for Windows Users: Make Your Own Ringtone for Free with iTunes