Posts tagged “iTunes”
Creating Smarter Playlists
In which I explain some iTunes tricks
Dropkick Murphys
I bought a CD today. It was a little bit strange. I can’t remember the last time I bought an actual compact disc. I’m sure this isn’t the first one I’ve bought since I moved to LA seven years ago, but I know that since I got my iPod the number of CDs I’ve purchased
iTunes Playlist Options Improvement
The feature I’d most like to see added to iTunes “smart playlist” building is the ability to exclude songs based on metadata. I like to listen to music that I haven’t heard in a long time and / or that I haven’t heard very often. The only problem is that when I choose to select
LA Marathon Soundtrack
Head coaches in the NFL often “script” the first dozen or so offensive plays of a game. They do this to set the tone and pace of the game, and to try to get their players to understand that they want to dictate how the game will go. With that in mind I have “scripted”
The Top Five Songs of 2006
Now that the dust has finally settled, I’m prepared to pontificate on what I consider the top five songs released in 2006. I think last year was kind of a “down year” for new music; there just weren’t that many great new tracks added to my iTunes library, especially compared to the previous two years.
2006 Top Ten New Songs List
On investigating my own music
Five Tips for Smarter Playlists
I’ve got more than 14,000 songs in my iTunes library and I listen to music the entire time I’m in the office every day. I live and die by my smart playlists. I’ve seen more than a few tutorials lately about how to utilize this iTunes feature, so I thought I’d toss my hat in the ring with a few tips on how to make Apple’s killer app work better.
Bonnie Brae
A serendipitous song find
Please End This Song
I love Please Take Me Home from blink-182‘s “Take Off Your Pants and Jacket“. It’s a great song with one glaring problem: For some ridiculous reason they decided to pull a Nirvana on it and extend the track length of this 3:03 song to 6:06. So when I am listening to my iPod in shuffle
The (New) Smiths
We went to see Mr. & Mrs. Smith tonight at the AVCO on Wilshire in Westwood. It was great! I wasn’t expecting much, but (a) the trailers were funny, (b) both stars are dead sexy, and (c) LA has been deluged with posters, and we — as simple drones — just can’t resist such a