- I’d like to see these foods do battle in some sort of Clogged Arteries Marathon: Deep Fried Butter and Krispy Kreme Cheeseburgers vs. KFC’s new Bacon and Cheese Wrapped in Fried Chicken Breasts sandwich
- Did you think the Super Bowl ads were too sexist? The Google Search was my favorite, but it’s tough to not love the Letterman/Oprah/Leno one, too. (The story behind it is great.)
- I happen to think it’s pretty sweet that the highest-paid employee in the city of Madison, Wisconsin is a bus driver.
- Seeing a space shuttle launch in the night sky is truly epic. It’s much more awesome — and I mean that with the full force of the word — than a daytime launch. If you never got the chance, you probably won’t.
- Curious men could count soon count their sperm from home. Good times!
Posts tagged “Jay Leno”
- Check out Slaughterhouse 90210, where erudite literary quotes meet TV screencaps!
- “There are more possible chess games than the number of atoms in the universe.” — from a fascinating article by Garry Kasparov on the topic of playing chess with computers
- If you’re addicted to Twitter, there are a bunch of tools you can use to monitor trends and (your own) statistics.
- Terri Carlson is 45 and was born with a genetic immune disorder C-4 complement deficiency. She’s currently on COBRA health insurance but it runs out in a year, so she says she will marry you for your health insurance.
- Probably Bad News is just like the Jay Leno “Headlines” bit. I saw a good one today: Homicide victims rarely talk to police.
- Psssst! You can buy ten ampersands for $9.99 if you’re into that sort of thing.
- NBC’s Boston affiliate in fight over 10 o’clock Leno
- DNA Evidence Frees Black Man Convicted Of Bear Attack
- Julie Andrews fun in train station
- funniest Google search performed in my office today: “weight of urine”
- funniest instant message sent today: “do you think I would go off all willy nilly buying conifers without getting your input first?”
- funniest intra-office email sent today: “Okay this is my last request then i am going to set something on your desk on fire.”
Goodbye, Jay Leno
I just saw a commercial for “the last month” of Jay on The Tonight Show. This really, really bothers me. I feel simultaneously like I am losing a close friend and as if he just took over for Johnny a few months ago. It’s like I’m just now getting used to him and I’ve known