As a quick follow-up to my note about the lugubrious and lamentable demise of Twitter, I want to point out that I am loving Threads. Yes, I am well aware that it is a Meta product. But so far it has been a fantastic social media replacement for me. It is sorely lacking in sports coverage and the algorithm doesn’t seem to handle breaking news very well, but I’ll counter that it appears to immediately alert me any time anyone anywhere mentions Soapdish. So I call that a win.
Posts tagged “Kevin Kline”
#FridayFive: A Better House
View the Friday Five from November 15th, 2024
Dave (Warner Bros., 1993, Kevin Kline, Sigourney Weaver) is a perfect movie made even better by Charles Grodin and Ving Rhames. And it even has a cameo by the brilliant Nina Totenberg.
In Order Categorical
I am the very model of a modern major-general.
#FridayFive: Kevin Kline
View the Friday Five from November 14th, 2014
#FridayFive: Patriotic Movies
View the Friday Five from July 4th, 2014