Posts tagged “Kottke”

WordPress Wednesday: Huge Archives

WordPress Wednesday: Huge Archives

In which I explain how to beautifully display enormous WordPress archives in a compact format

  • News & Notes
    • Couple married 72 years dies holding hands — from
    • Jason Kottke also published an epic round-up of all the best stories, comments, obituaries, collections, videos, etc. about Steve Jobs.
    • Top Ten Misused English Words — from
    • 4 Personal Finance Principles That Would Make Your Grandfather Proud — from The Art of Manliness
    • is just awesome. Seriously. Trust me on this one. (Let me know if you want an invitation.)
  • Apps
    • Amazing Breaker is a fun (free) breakout game.
    • Can anyone explain the difference between the Starbucks app and the Starbucks Card Mobile app?
  • Tech
    • If you have an iPhone running iOS5, open the iTunes app on your phone. Click “More” in the lower right-hand corner. Choose “Tones”. You’ll see that there is now a new section of Star Wars ringtones. (I can’t understand how this wasn’t front page news.)
    • See also: How to make custom tones for your iPhone — from
    • If I’m going to get a MacBook Air, then it looks like I’m also going to get a new Thunderbolt display. — via Shawn Blanc
    • Incredible macro photographs taken with iPhone 4S camera — from
    • Shit Siri Says Is, indeed, quite funny. (On Sunday I was upset when Siri couldn’t connect to the Internet and was unable to tell me the distance from Key West to Cuba. When I said, “Blow me!” in frustration, she said, “David! The language!”)
  • Sports
    • Quote of the day: “…it’s clear that marketing people underestimated [Tim Tebow’s] intangibles and popularity.” — Tebow’s Eye Black
  • James Franco seems to be everywhere right now. There was a great article in New York Magazine last month — The James Franco Project — and it looks like he is going to be the star of September’s issue of Esquire. The crazy thing is that he legitimately sounds really interesting.
  • Console jocks, by Tim Carmody (alt link) (guest blogging at is a great read, especially for fans of the Madden franchise. (Tim also wrote an excellent blog piece on one of my boyhood heroes: Charlie Chan.)
  • “Tony Nijhuis’ incredible R/C model plane not only looks just like the real B-50 bomber on which it’s based, it actually flies. The plane has a 19-foot wingspan, and took 2 years and $9000 to build.” (via @theawesomer)
  • It’s pretty tough to complain with this ESPN list of the Ten Best Sidekicks.
  • Do tigers like catnip? Yes. Yes, they do.
  • A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… we didn’t have fancy-pants computers to make scrolling text.
  • I did not know — but am not surprised to learn — that Shaquille O’Neal is working on his PhD.

Bonus: Five Feeds I Recommend

  1. Daring Fireball (subscribe)
  2. Friends of the Program (subscribe)
  3. Romenesko’s Obscure Store and Reading Room (subscribe)
  4. Cats Who Code (subscribe)
  5. Catalog Living (subscribe)
2024-05-31: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.

Just like the Daily David, but on the weekend:

Jason just linked to an article at The New Yorker with a list of the five scariest movies of all time. I’ve only seen one of the films on the list — The Silence of the Lambs — which I thought was a great thriller, but it didn’t particularly scare me. Cannibals and serial killers are simply not high on my list of Things Which Frighten.

I just don’t see how anyone could make a list like this and not include Jaws. I’m 35 years old and I still think of that damn shark any time I’m in the ocean. Is there anyone in the world that doesn’t? Hell, I think it wasn’t until I was out of my twenties that I could swim in a $#&* pool without being scared.

“Life is the mayonnaise through which we squirt.”
Jason Kottke

What Is This? is the personal weblog of me, David Vincent Gagne. I've been publishing here since 1999, which makes this one of the oldest continuously-updated websites on the Internet.

A few years ago I was trying to determine what cocktails I could make with the alcohol I had at home. I searched the App Store but couldn't find an app that would let me do that, so I built one.


You can read dozens of essays and articles and find hundreds of links to other sites with stories and information about Ernest Hemingway in The Hemingway Collection.