Posts tagged “links”

  • News & Notes
    • Couple married 72 years dies holding hands — from
    • Jason Kottke also published an epic round-up of all the best stories, comments, obituaries, collections, videos, etc. about Steve Jobs.
    • Top Ten Misused English Words — from
    • 4 Personal Finance Principles That Would Make Your Grandfather Proud — from The Art of Manliness
    • is just awesome. Seriously. Trust me on this one. (Let me know if you want an invitation.)
  • Apps
    • Amazing Breaker is a fun (free) breakout game.
    • Can anyone explain the difference between the Starbucks app and the Starbucks Card Mobile app?
  • Tech
    • If you have an iPhone running iOS5, open the iTunes app on your phone. Click “More” in the lower right-hand corner. Choose “Tones”. You’ll see that there is now a new section of Star Wars ringtones. (I can’t understand how this wasn’t front page news.)
    • See also: How to make custom tones for your iPhone — from
    • If I’m going to get a MacBook Air, then it looks like I’m also going to get a new Thunderbolt display. — via Shawn Blanc
    • Incredible macro photographs taken with iPhone 4S camera — from
    • Shit Siri Says Is, indeed, quite funny. (On Sunday I was upset when Siri couldn’t connect to the Internet and was unable to tell me the distance from Key West to Cuba. When I said, “Blow me!” in frustration, she said, “David! The language!”)
  • Sports
    • Quote of the day: “…it’s clear that marketing people underestimated [Tim Tebow’s] intangibles and popularity.” — Tebow’s Eye Black

Daily David

View the Daily David from July 29th, 2009

Sweet blueberry turnovers! All of a sudden I’m getting thousands — yes, thousands! — of hits from the Kansas State Fan Message Boards. I cannot imagine why. I can’t find any link to me there either. So. If you’re a Kansas State fan, please explain.

Sitting Pretty

*Note to self, to Robyn, and to Todd: Do not ever brag that you are “sittin’ right on top of Jish“! *Special bonus note: Muffed Punt is, in fact, the funniest phrase in all of professional sports.

Link Droppings

Some Saturday Morning Fun: The Surrealist Compliment Generator says: Your dashingly colored toupee twists my right boot into a state of ennui with the speed and dexterity of many lemon meringue-coated conquistadors. Penny Arcade Classic: Dumbentia The Dilbert Zone Puzzles


Hey! TheBrad just noticed that’s wishlist system is failing bloggers. If you try to click on someone else’s wishlist, Amazon displays your own wishlist instead (if you have one). That means that since I have a wishlist there, I can’t see anyone else’s! The hell? What did they change? Has anyone else found a

Quick Link

Here’s a nifty little trick for you, my loyal derlings! In the sidebar to the left (or, to the right if you’re upside-down) you may notice a mini-blog called The Good Stuff. Those are quickie web links that I guaran-damn-tee are worth a visit. “That’s not a trick, David,” I hear you say. Well hold

the good stuff

I completed another of my web development tasks tonight. One of my sub-blogs, the good stuff is now a MovableType blog. The good stuff is the sidebar list of ten links. These are links that I want to bookmark for one reason or another, but about which I don’t feel like writing an entire blog

What Is This? is the personal weblog of me, David Vincent Gagne. I've been publishing here since 1999, which makes this one of the oldest continuously-updated websites on the Internet.

A few years ago I was trying to determine what cocktails I could make with the alcohol I had at home. I searched the App Store but couldn't find an app that would let me do that, so I built one.


You can read dozens of essays and articles and find hundreds of links to other sites with stories and information about Ernest Hemingway in The Hemingway Collection.