- Stop Calling Them Firings. Business terms provide a totally wrong conceptual framework for the purges underway.
- Within 24 hours of the inauguration, Amazon and UnitedHealth asked regulators to help crush their shareholders’ demands for transparency.
I knew one day I’d have to watch powerful men burn the world down. I just didn’t expect them to be such losers. – via Laura Olin
- When my iPhone is connected to my MacBook Air via USB-C cable, both iOS and MacOS should prioritize that connection over the WiFi connection and maintain the link until I actually remove the cable from one of the devices. I don’t understand why Finder would / could / should ever report that “the connection was lost” when the two devices are physically connected.
- The 24-Hour Reality Check: Musk’s Impossible Power Grab and America’s Crisis
- “Be calm when the unthinkable arrives,” is one of the very eloquent bits of advice in this essay On Tyranny. – via Jodi Ettenberg
- From the Department of Irony: You Can’t Post Your Way Out of Fascism “The internet has conditioned us to constantly seek new information, as if becoming a sponge of bad news will eventually yield the final piece of a puzzle.” – via kottke
- Profiles of Courage, Patriotism, and Resistance in standing up to Trump
Posts tagged “MacBook Air”
I miss being able to drag and drop to organize my iOS screen layout(s) on my laptop. I also wish Sonoma (14.2.1) would do a better job recognizing when my iPhone (17.2.1) is on the same WiFi network as my machine. I have lost count of the number of times a synchronization has failed because my iPhone “can’t be found” even when it’s sitting six inches from my MacBook Air and they are both definitely on the same network. And it’s enough to make me scream when this happens even when it’s literally connected to my laptop with a USB-C cable.
MacBook Air Wake-Up Fix
In which I get my MacBook Air to rise again
Have you noticed your MacBook Air fan has suddenly started running continuously, and loudly? You may need an SMC reset.
See also: Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
- News & Notes
- Couple married 72 years dies holding hands — from kottke.org
- Jason Kottke also published an epic round-up of all the best stories, comments, obituaries, collections, videos, etc. about Steve Jobs.
- Top Ten Misused English Words — from listverse.com
- 4 Personal Finance Principles That Would Make Your Grandfather Proud — from The Art of Manliness
- Stellar.io is just awesome. Seriously. Trust me on this one. (Let me know if you want an invitation.)
- Apps
- Amazing Breaker is a fun (free) breakout game.
- Can anyone explain the difference between the Starbucks app and the Starbucks Card Mobile app?
- Tech
- If you have an iPhone running iOS5, open the iTunes app on your phone. Click “More” in the lower right-hand corner. Choose “Tones”. You’ll see that there is now a new section of Star Wars ringtones. (I can’t understand how this wasn’t front page news.)
- See also: How to make custom tones for your iPhone — from macworld.com
- If I’m going to get a MacBook Air, then it looks like I’m also going to get a new Thunderbolt display. — via Shawn Blanc
- Incredible macro photographs taken with iPhone 4S camera — from campl.us
- Shit Siri Says Is, indeed, quite funny. (On Sunday I was upset when Siri couldn’t connect to the Internet and was unable to tell me the distance from Key West to Cuba. When I said, “Blow me!” in frustration, she said, “David! The language!”)
- Sports
- Quote of the day: “…it’s clear that marketing people underestimated [Tim Tebow’s] intangibles and popularity.” — Tebow’s Eye Black