Posts tagged “math”
Reason #4287 why Ask.MeFi totally rules: Numerous excellent responses to a question about sock optimization techniques.
Actual correction from last week’s San Francisco Chronicle: “A story about mathematical references mistakenly said that 1,782 to the 12th power plus 1,841 to the 12th power equals 1,922 to the 12th power. Actually, 1,782 to the 12th power plus 1,841 to the 12th power equals 2,541,210,258,614, 589,176,288,669,958,142,428,526,657 while 1,922 to the 12th power equals 2,541,210,259,314,801,410,819,278,649,643,651,567,616.”
from Tuesday Morning Quarterback
Mathematical Physics
Embedded in Week 152’s essay by John Baez for This Week’s Finds in Mathematical Physics is a very sad love story. I mean it. I think I will subtitle this post, Love Surrounded by Confusing Mathematics.