Posts tagged “mom”
I Met Her on a Tuesday
Happy birthday, Kathie Gagne
Another Anniversary
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
#FridayFive: 1975 Photos
View the Friday Five from June 6th, 2014
Mother’s Day
Two years.
Christmas Eve, 2013
This is our second Christmas without mom. Last year I wrote a little bit about our Christmas Eve traditions, but I don’t have it in me this year. Christmas will be exactly 500 days since she died, which is simultaneously meaningless and important. I miss her so much.
#FridayFive: Memories
View the Friday Five from August 16th, 2013
Kathleen A. Gagne
My mom died one year ago today. It simultaneously feels like it was only yesterday and like it was a thousand years ago. I miss her so much that there is an actual ache in my heart. She died much too young. It was undeserved and unfair and unjust and I still rage inside that
One of my favorite memories of my mom — of my entire childhood, actually — is singing Runaway by Del Shannon in the car with her and my little sister while driving to St. Paul’s Catholic elementary school. I love that song. She loved that song. She loved singing that song. Mom loved music. And
The Horizon Is a Beltway
On losing my mother
It Ought to Be Easier
It’s really hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that Tim might not make it in the NFL. It seems absurd to me. When my alarm rang at six this morning, there was a text waiting for me that read, “Heard Tebow was cut from NPR before ESPN.” My first thought was