Posts tagged “movies”
Movies and Coke
On being caffeinated at night
Star Wars v. Star Trek
*Someone* has a tag line from Star Wars even though they recently tried to tell me that Star Trek is better. Pah! Please … Even you cannot resist the power of Lucas … And (although I can tell you this for a fact and so can a horrible number of other people) I am a
X-Men. Go. See. Now.
And as usual I feel like that (previous post) is not even close to what I wanted to say. Oh well. I’ll try again some other day. For now I’m off to see X-Men.
One Actor
Bry! You forgot Days of Thunder! How? How could you forget Days of Thunder?! And what about Glory? Liar Liar? Are you not paying as much attention as I thought you were?
HEY! sketchy is my word! That’s okay, though. I’ll let you use it. But know that it is mine. After like 6 or 7 years – ever since Bill & Ted – my word was afoot. Now it’s sketchy. And so am I.
Tequila Sunrise
There’s a scene at the end of Tequila Sunrise – which is one of my all-time favorite movies – with Raul Julia and Mel Gibson. Julia’s character says, “I’ve seen it coming for some time now. Cocaine is no goddamned good for anybody.” I love that scene. No, I don’t do drugs if that’s what
In Which He Thinks His Life Is a Movie
If only I could find someone to play the lead …
The Pitch …
My life would make an excellent movie.
I am Jack’s kick-ass soundtrack.
I am Jack’s infinitely grateful friend.